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Malaysia : No need for Muslim-owned eateries to get halal cert as they are bound by Islamic rules on halal and ‘haram’

KUALA LUMPUR, Sept 7 — Umno’s ulama council today said that it is unnecessary for Muslim-owned eateries to be required to obtain halal certification from the Malaysian Islamic Development Department (Jakim) as they are already bound by Islamic rules concerning halal and haram.

In a Facebook post, the council’s deputy president, Datuk Mohd Khairuddin Aman Razali, stated that Muslim-owned businesses should be exempt from the proposal since Muslims are already obligated to follow Islamic guidelines on halal and haram, and food prepared by Muslims is generally considered halal unless proven otherwise, according to a report published today in Free Malaysia Today.

Khairuddin however acknowledged that obtaining halal certification for restaurants and products operated or made by Muslims could increase public confidence in the halal status of these establishments.

On Thursday, religious affairs minister Datuk Mohd Na’im Mokhtar said Jakim was considering making halal certification mandatory for restaurants and food companies that do not serve pork or alcohol.

Currently, halal certification is voluntary for such businesses.

Seputeh MP Teresa Kok opposed the proposal, stating that it could burden small businesses, limit consumer choices, and may conflict with Malaysia’s cultural diversity. She warned that making the certification compulsory could trigger negative reactions domestically and damage Malaysia’s international reputation.

The Malay Chamber of Commerce Malaysia (DPMM), however, disagreed with Kok’s concerns, calling them unfounded and contrary to the realities of the trillion-dollar global halal market.

“Halal certification is essential to ensure hygiene standards, food safety, and Shariah compliance, which benefits not only Muslims but also non-Muslim consumers who recognise the quality assured through the certification,” said DPMM president Norsyahrin Hamidon in a statement.

He added that as Malaysia is recognised as a global leader in the halal industry, mandatory certification would further solidify the country’s position as a halal hub. With adequate support in raising awareness and providing technical assistance, small traders could also benefit from halal certification as a value-add to their businesses.

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