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Marhoom Prof. M.T.M.Jiffry’s Contribution to SL Muslim Education


It is with the deepest sense of sorrow I write this to share my encounters with professor Jiffry.

I first met him when he was the Deen of the faculty of medicine in the University of Sri jayawardenapura in Nugegoda. That was the first meeting at the Deen's office to discuss establishing a para medics training centre or a charity hospital that could be used to train Muslim nurses and para medics in the context of islamic culture. The matters discussed in that meeting to some extend materialized with the establishment of Kuwait Hospital in Puttalam yet there are a lot more things that need to be done to reach the vision he had and the misson he undertook to educate the society for the sake of Islam.

His contribution as one of a founder trustee of the Insight Educational Trust was great and immeasurable. He, with passion, along with other members contributed immensely during the formative embryo stages of the Trust and was to sign the final legal document when we heard the tragic news of his grave illness. As the Chairman of the Trust, with heavy heart, I sincerely pray Almighty Allah to forgive all his sins and grant him the highest level of jannah for all his contributions and behind the scene activities for the sake of Allah.

His academic achievements were great. He carries many mighty letters behind his name and in the front of his name however the Professor I know is so humble and down to earth you wont believe that a senior Professor of his calibre could live such a humble life. In year 2007 along with my family he performed Haj with his wife and three siters in Law the eldest of them was on a wheel chair. He was so humble and caring that he pushed the wheel chair all along the Haj and carried food for them and looked after their well being at the expense of his own comfort. ( One man looked after and cared for four ladies including a handicapped on a wheel chair all along the Haj – imagine how difficult it is) Everybody in the Haj group were surprised and were talking about his simplicity, humbleness and the kindness and care that he showed towards extended family members. His action reminds me of the Quranic verse in Soorah Bakhara 2:177 where Allah links righteousness to spending wealth to the near of kin.

The degrees, medals and titles he earned did not make his head swell instead that made his heart to expand filling it with faith and kindness.

He is a classic example of an educated man who clearly understands the limitations of human power and kowledge and wonders the miraculous molecular physiology of a human cell and link that with the power and intelligent design of the creator Almighty Allah therby increases his faith( Eemaan) and becomes humble.( Allah says it is the one with knowledge who fears Allah more)

May Allah shower His blessings to him and accomodate him in the highest level of Jannah.

Dr. Musthafa Rayes
Consultant Paediatrician / Paediatric Intensivist.
Chairman – Insight Educational Trust


 I met him as a freshman at t the Peradeniya Campus of  the then University of Ceylon. I ragged him and we became friends immediately and enjoyed our campus lives though  we were in different faculties. After graduation  and right throughout our careers we kept in touch with each other, though not regularly and exchanged news of each other. We became professionally closer when he joined the University Grants Commission.

When the idea to form the Insight Education Trust   came up, the first person that I contacted  by phone  to be a member of the Trust was Prof. Jiffry who without  any hesitation agreed.  It was a rich experience for me and other Trustees thereafter to sit with him and dissect, repair and suture the Insight Deed of Trust as an excellent document crafted initially by Br. Najeem AAL.

Prof. Jiffry , Dr. Ziyard Thaha and Shibly Azeez  PC went into lengthy discourses on words, values and principles that were embedded into the Insight deed of  trust. His last official function at Insight Institute of Management and Technology was delivering the Keynote address at the launch of our BBA programme  at the City Campus

Then we met at the Insight Trust meetings.

Since April or May his phone went dead virtually. We could nor get the Deed of Trust Signed by him though he contributed heavily towards it. That was Allah's will.Today he is no more. His professional contributions will live on and on.

May Allah grant him Jannathul Firdhouse 

Hilmi Sulaiman
Insight Education Trust
Phone  +1 201 915 0263

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