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Zionist war criminal Ariel Sharon died after eight years in death throes. By Latheef Farook

aeiel sharon

Western leaders’ responses demonstrate their powerlessness    in the face of Jewish crimes. 

Israel’s former prime minister Ariel Sharon, known for his massacres and genocides of Palestinians ,destruction of their properties and accused  by an Israel commission    itself of  massacring Palestinians, died on Friday 10 January 2014.

However world leaders from United Nations secretary General Ban Ki Moon, United States President Barack Obama, British Prime Minister David Cameroon, German Chancellor Angela Merkel and others praised Ariel Sharon as a great Zionist leader.

Pro Jewish western  media  projected Ariel Sharon  from  the Zionist pint of view ignoring his crime records .The third world media, including Sri Lanka which depend on the western media, follow suit and thus deprived  the world of knowing the true side of  Ariel Sharon.  

Who is this Ariel Sharon and what was his crime record? This article provides the answer to those interested.

 On  4 January 2006  Sharon, a product of   racist Zionist ideology that values military and political skills above morality and human rights, suffered  a massive life threatening stroke  and had been  clinically dead for years in a vegetative state.

Sharon, grandson of an early migrant Russian Jewish family to Palestine, was born in 1928 in Kfar Malal, ten miles from Tel Aviv. This was one of the first Jewish settlements in Palestine under the British Zionist conspiracy to drive out the Palestinians and create in their lands an exclusive racist of state Israel for Jews.

His family name Scheinerman was changed to Sharon. His father, a farmer, gave him not a book to learn but a knife, when he was only 13, to kill Palestinians to grab their lands. Thus since early in life hatred towards Palestinians was ingrained into his blood stream.

A year later in 1942 when he was 14 Sharon joined the Zionist Jewish terrorist organization Haganah, led by yet another terrorist turned Prime Minister Menachem Begin, which committed massacre after massacre of Palestinians. Since then Sharon’s history was nothing but genocides, massacres and destruction of Palestinian villages and cities.

Sharon formed an elite group called “Unit 101”, nicknamed "the avengers", in the 1950s and killed Palestinians in villages and refugee camps with institutional support .In August 1953 he massacred 20 unarmed Palestinian civilians in El-Bureig refugee camp south of Gaza. Two months later he was selected by the Jewish state to kill the Palestinians in the village of Qibya. Sharon’s order to his gangs was "maximal killing and damage to property “

There Sharon and his Jewish thugs massacred 70 Palestinian men, women, children and the aged on the night of October 14, 1953.Two third of the victims were   women and children. All of them were  civilians. They moved from house to house, broke open them and "systematically and senselessly slaughtered" the residents before blowing up their homes and "clearing them" with fire and grenades.

A United Nations report said “bullet-riddled bodies near the doorways and multiple bullet hits on the doors of the demolished houses indicated that the inhabitants had been forced to remain inside until their homes were blown up over them. Commander E.H. Hutchison, a U.S. naval officer serving on the U.N. armistice monitoring commission, who investigated the slaughter, wrote "Here and there from between the rocks you could see a tiny hand or foot protruding."

Sharon later said in an Israeli television documentary that “the raid was necessary and that he would do it again. In fact he did it on a larger scale.

Every fall in Qibya during the olive harvesting season, the memory of this genocide is kept alive in a mourning ceremony.  A memorial plaque behind the village mosque honors Sharon's victims.  

Once Sharon killed two women from the Arab village of Katama to provoke a Jordanian military response. His plan worked: 15 Palestinians made refugees by Jewish terror gangs were killed. There were instances when he was seen laughing as a junior Jewish terrorist tormented an old Arab and then shot him at close range, trapped and killed a peaceful Bedouin boy shepherding his flock and censured a junior officer for failing to kill two elderly Arabs encountered during a raid. 

This is not something done by a normal human being.

The culmination of Sharon's crime against Palestinians was when he invaded Lebanon in September 1982 and killed more than 29,500 people—most of them civilians- and laid Beirut and much of the south of the country to waste.  

Elaborating this genocide Palestinian website “The Electronic Intifada” stated that: As minister of defense Sharon orchestrated Israel's invasion of Lebanon to destroy the Palestine Liberation Organization’s infrastructure in the region. According to the ”Third World Quarterly” over 29,500 Palestinians and Lebanese were either killed or wounded from 4 July 1982 through to 15 August 1982-40 percent were children. 

During this invasion Ariel Sharon was also responsible for the massacre of Palestinian and Lebanese civilians at the Sabra and Shatila refugee camps, on the southern outskirts of Beirut. The slaughter in these two contiguous camps  took place from the evening of September 16, 1982 until the morning of September 18, 1982, in an area under the control of the Israeli armed forces. The perpetrators were members of the Phalange Christian militia, the Lebanese force that was armed by and closely allied with Israel since the onset of Lebanon's civil war in 1975. Prior to the massacre, Sharon had meetings with the Phalange forces.

For over 60 hours, aided by an Israeli siege around the camps and guided by the light of Israeli flares, Phalangist militia went through the camps, killing Palestinian and Lebanese civilians. Some were lined up against walls and mow down by machine-gun fire. Others were left in heaps on the floors of their homes or on the streets of the camps. Children were shot dead, women and girls were raped and mutilated and men were disemboweled prior to being executed. Whole families were murdered and the bodies were heaped into lorries and taken away, or buried in mass graves.   

Though the exact number killed will never be known many knowledgeable sources put the total figure killed at around 3000.

Before the massacres of 1982, Philip Habib, US President Ronald Reagan's special representative to Beirut, was horrified by the ferocity of Sharon's assault on the city. Not long before he died, Habib was asked why he didn't stop the bloodshed. "I could see it," he said. "I told the Israelis they were destroying the city, that they were firing non-stop. They just said they weren’t. They said they weren’t doing that. I called Sharon on the phone. He said it wasn’t true. That damned man said to me on the phone that what I saw happening wasn't happening. So I held the telephone out of the window so he could hear the explosions. Then he said to me: 'What kind of conversation is this where you hold a telephone out of a window?'"

 This massacre at Sabra and Shatilla was unequivocally condemned by the UN Security Council Resolution No 521 of 19 September 1982. However there were no sanctions as in the case of Iraq and other Muslim countries when UN imposed crippling sanctions. 

According to Western reports "the Israelis established observation posts on top of multi-storey buildings in the north-west quadrant of the Kuwaiti Embassy. From these posts, the naked eye had a clear view of several sections of the camps, including those parts of Shatila where piles of bodies were found. Throughout the night flares lit up the sky. They were fired at the rate of two a minute, as reported by an Israeli soldier from a mortar unit." 

The findings of an Israeli commission of inquiry, chaired by Yitzhak Kahan, president of Israel's Supreme Court, found Ariel Sharon, among other Israelis, responsible for the massacre.  

Judge Richard Goldstone, former chief prosecutor for the UN criminal tribunals for both the former Yugoslavia and Rwanda and later Chairman of the UN committee to probe into Israeli crimes in Gaza in December 2008 and January 2009 said: "If the person who gave the command knows, or should know … that there's a situation where innocent civilians are going to be injured or killed then that person is as responsible than the people who carry out the orders".

Added to this Human Rights Watch urged the need for a criminal investigation into Sharon’s role in the massacre of civilians in the Palestinian refugee camps of Sabra and Shatilla.  

Nineteen years later  on 18  June  2001 a group of 28 Palestinian relatives of the victims of the Sabra and Shatila massacres filed a civil claim under Belgium's "war crime" law-a 1993 law that allows Belgian magistrates to try war-crimes cases no matter where they were committed.

The power of the Zionists over Europe has been such that, instead of bringing Sharon to trial, the Belgian government changed the law and dropped charges against Sharon – after a visit to Brussels by then US defense secretary Donald Rumsfeld who threatened that NATO headquarters might be withdrawn from Belgian soil if the Belgians didn't drop the charges against Sharon. Finally in June 2002, the Belgian court dismissed the case.

But for everyone who stood in the Sabra and Chatila refugee camps in Beirut on 18 September 1982, his name is synonymous with butchery; with bloated corpses and disemboweled women and dead babies, with rape and pillage and murder.

These horrendous crimes proved to be only a temporary hiccup in Sharon's    political career.  Sharon’s barbarity continued unabated. This time Sharon, guarded by around 1000 armed Israeli soldiers and aimed at provoking Palestinians, visited al-Haram ash-Sharif, Islam’s third Holiest Mosque in Jerusalem on 28 September 2000 and sparked off the second Intifada that has   killed hundreds of Palestinians. 

Once again the United Nations Human Rights Commission condemned Israel on 19 October 2000, in a resolution titled, "Grave and massive violations of the human rights of the Palestinian people by Israel.”  However as usual the UN, a tool in the hands of US and Europe, failed to take any concrete action to punish the Zionists.

In spite of all his crime records Sharon was elected Prime Minister of Israel on 6 February   2001 to the shock of the civilized world However in Israel this has been a common phenomenon as his predecessors were equally soaked in Palestinian blood and no one, especially in US and Europe, dare  to speak out

The world expected the political leaders of US, UK, France and other countries who     shout about human rights, freedom, and democracy   to boycott Sharon and Israel. However all these cherished values are not applicable to Zionist Jews   as political establishments in all these countries are subservient and the politicians there have been the products of Jewish lobbies.

Instead, these very same leaders   received Sharon with warmth   .In other words it was business as usual for US, UK, France and other Western countries with Israel. The pinnacle of this collaboration was when Sharon was invited to address the United Nations 60th General Assembly where he also received the applause – blackmailed by the US.

 This smacks of the most stinging hypocrisy and shameless disregard for international law. The occupation's daily violations of international law and the complete refusal to accept the decision of the International Court of Justice to tear down the apartheid wall were downgraded to minor details. 

A Cairo based columnist pointed out that the UN's move to host Sharon is as murderous as the state and the career he represented. By accepting to support Israeli ploys, governments and the media carry the same responsibility for the destruction of Palestinian lives and land as the occupation army that protected the Phalangist militia and pointed the flashlights for the butchers of Sabra and Shatila. 

As prime minister he continued his killing spree unabated with the complete backing of George Bush. In April 2002 he despatched troops to the densely populated West Bank Palestinian civilian refugee camp in Jenin where he massacred, according to senior Palestinian Nabila Shaath, around 500 Palestinians. He also accused Israel of carrying out summary executions and removing corpses in refrigerated trucks.  

Though the carnage attracted swift condemnation even from Israel’s friends such as Britain and Europe, war criminal Bush who was in direct complicity in the war-crimes perpetrated by Sharon on the West Bank and Gaza Strip, praised Sharon as a “man of peace”.

Yet another terrible massacre, praised by Sharon as a "great success" – was the attack on the Hamas leader Salah Shehada and the slaughter of nine of his children along with eight adults.  The youngest was just two months old. An Israeli air force pilot dropped a one-ton bomb on their homes from an American-made F-16 aircraft on 22 July 2002.

On 22 March 2004 Sharon ordered and monitored the assassination of Hamas' spiritual leader Sheikh Ahmed Yassin.

 Longtime confidant to Sharon, Uri Dan, in his book accused Ariel Sharon of murdering Yasser Arafat by poisoning him. Dan claimed Sharon got approval from George Bush by phone early in 2004   to kill Arafat who was   incarcerated in what remained of his Ramallah compound, most of which had already been destroyed by the Israelis.

In fact more than six months before Sharon suffered his heart attack mediaeval rituals were conducted on him by Jewish extremists. For example in July 2005, Ariel Sharon was targeted by Jewish extremists with an ancient kabbalistic death curse known in the Aramaic language as a “pulsa denura” or “lash of fire”,  showing the combination of politics and religious extremism at the heart of the current Middle East crisis. 

The pulsa denura, like most curses, is understood to be dangerous to the person who casts it as well as the person at whom it is aimed. The ceremony took place at midnight on the eve of the Sabbath, performed by a Kabbalist who led 20 men in prayer. One participant described it: “It was done in a beautiful cemetery with a thick forest around it, under a Full Moon.

However this very same Sharon was received by Egypt’s disgraced dictator Hosni Mubarak   at the Presidential Palace in Cairo in an unprecedented humiliation to Egypt known for its ancient civilizations, rich history and contributions to human civilization. Entire water flowed through Nile since time immemorial is not sufficient to wash this humiliation in a city where Salahuddin Ayubi is buried.  

In yet another disgraceful development Sharon was received by India, world’s largest democracy hijacked by Hindu fascists whose enmity and hatred towards Muslims brought them and the Zionist Jews together.    

 Sharon caused misery to Palestinians even in his death.  According to reports from Tel Aviv arrangements made by the Israeli government, Sharon’s burial plot is set to displace over 15,000 Palestinians living in the West Bank. The plot, located on the outskirts of Hebron, will take over land lived and farmed by Arabs for   centuries and will be surrounded by a five-meter tall concrete wall with armed sentry posts on each corner. It will also be connected to Israel by a four-lane commemorative highway. “It’s what he would have wanted,” said a source.

Despite his crime records western leaders hailed him as a hero. Following were some of the messages;

"Sharon will be remembered for his political courage and determination to carry through with the painful and historic decision to withdraw Israeli settlers and troops from the Gaza Strip." — Spokesperson for the U.N. Secretary-General.

"On behalf of the American people, Michelle and I send our deepest condolences to the family of former Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon and to the people of Israel on the loss of a leader who dedicated his life to the State of Israel … We join with the Israeli people in honoring his commitment to his country." — President Barack Obama.

Ariel Sharon is one of the most significant figures in Israeli history and as Prime Minister he took brave and controversial decisions in pursuit of peace, before he was so tragically incapacitated. Israel has today lost an important leader." — British Prime Minister David Cameron

"I was honored to know this man of courage and call him friend. He was a warrior for the ages and a partner in seeking security for the Holy Land and a better, peaceful Middle East."— Former President George W. Bush, who was president while Sharon was Prime Minister.

Russian President Vladimir Putin "highly praised Ariel Sharon's personal qualities and his activities to protect Israel's interests, noting a high respect for him among compatriots and his high authority in the international arena." — The Kremlin.____

German Chancellor Angela Merkel "is mourning with the Israeli people" for Sharon. "With his courageous decision to withdraw the Israeli settlers from the Gaza Strip, he took a historic step on the path to a deal with the Palestinians and a two-state solution." — Steffen Seibert, Merkel's spokesman. 

The question is whether these western political leaders will pay similar tributes to a non Jew had committed such war crimes. What does it means? Jews rule the world today through their control over US and Europe.

"His passing is another grim reminder that years of virtual impunity for rights abuses have done nothing to bring Israeli-Palestinian peace any closer." — Sarah Leah Whitson, Middle East Director of Human Rights Watch.

He wanted to erase the Palestinian people from the map … He wanted to kill us, but at the end of the day, Sharon is dead and the Palestinian people are alive." — Tewfik Tirawi, who served as Palestinian intelligence chief when Sharon was prime minister.

"After eight years, he is going in the same direction as other tyrants and criminals whose hands were covered with Palestinian blood." — Khalil al-Haya, a leader in the Islamic militant group Hamas.

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