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An important message from ACJU regarding Uldhiyya 2020

 Ref No. ACJU/PRO/2020/003

2020.07.15 / 1441.11.23

An important message from ACJU regarding Uldhiyya this year

Uldhiyya is an important Sunnah in Islam. Some scholars have declared that performing Uldhiyya is ‘Waajib’.

Almighty Allah says in the Holy Quran “So, offer Salāh (prayer) to your Lord, and sacrifice” (Surah 108 Verse 02).

The ACJU appeals the Muslims to perform this act of worship observing the religious guidelines, while strictly abiding by the related legal rulings stated under the ‘Animal Act No.29 of 1958’.

Considering the extraordinary situation prevailing in the country due to the spread of the Covid-19 virus, it is vital to ensure that all the guidelines issued by the Ministry of Health are strictly followed while performing Uldhiyya this year.

The consensus opinion of the religious scholars is that goats, cows or camels should be offered as Uldhiyya. According to the context of our country, due to the unavailability of camels, only goats or cows may be offered as Uldhiyya and offering any other animal shall not be deemed as valid. A cow or a camel can be collectively offered as Uldhiyya, by seven persons maximum.

As the circumstances vary from region to region, the respective ACJU Divisional Branches, Masjid Trustees and other dignitaries should be consulted and appropriate decisions should be made on performing Uldhiyya in the respective areas to avoid any hassles or disputes and we urge the public to abide by these decisions.

Those in localities where it is difficult to perform Uldhiyya, it can be arranged to be fulfilled at other suitable areas.

The following guidelines should be observed when performing this act of worship:

  1. The Uldhiyya could be performed from the time the Eid Salaah and both Khutbahs are completed until the time of Sun set on the 13th of Thul Hijjah.
  2. It is Sunnah for the person who intends to perform Uldhiyya, to refrain from removing hair and clipping nails from the commencement of the Month of Thul Hijjah up to the performance of Uldhiyya.
  3. As law abiding citizens of this country, all necessary documents such as animal’s ownership certificate, health certificate, and permit to transport the animal etc. should be obtained at the beginning.
  4. It is recommended to offer a goat as Uldhiyya by individuals, than offering a cow or a camel collectively by seven people.
  5. In localities where offering cows as Uldhiyya is difficult, it is recommended to offer goats.
  6. Transporting animals without permits and loading animals in a vehicle more than the number permitted, should be strictly avoided.
  7. The animals should not be tortured at any circumstance.
  8. The animal should be fed sufficiently until it is slaughtered.
  9. The knife to be used for the sacrifice, should be well sharpened.
  10. The slaughtering of the animal should not be visible to the other animals.
  11. The place allocated for the slaughter, should be clean and the waste such as blood, bones etc. should be buried in an appropriate manner.
  12. The places utilized for slaughter and burial of wastage, should be sprayed with insecticide and cleanliness should be maintained.
  13. Government guidelines related to Covid-19 such as maintaining social distancing and wearing a mask should be strictly observed.
  1. As we are living in a multi-ethnic society, we should avoid any act that would hurt others and may cause discomfort among other communities.
  2. Honoring the sentiments of the Buddhists, slaughtering animals on the Poya Day should be avoided.
  3. Taking photographs or videos of performing Uldhiyya should be avoided and especially such content should not be posted on Social Media.

The ACJU kindly requests all Masjid Imams and Khateebs to encourage the virtues and importance of Uldhiyya, and to emphasize on abiding the related rulings, guidelines and especially advice the public to perform this Ibaadah in a manner that does not hurt or arouse the feelings of other communities.

Ash Shaikh M.M.M. Murshid

Asst. General Secretary – ACJU

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