Alhamdulillah! The long-awaited book on our beloved Marhoom Dr. MAM Shukri, entitled MAM Shukri: Legacy & Academic Contribution, has finally been published! I am deeply honored and proud to be a part of this meaningful project, both as an editor and a chapter writer.
This valuable book, published by the International Institute for Muslim Unity (IIMU) at IIUM, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, serves as a tribute to Dr. MAM Shukri’s profound legacy. The foreword is written by Prof. Dawood Al-Hidaby, former director of IIMU, and the preface by Prof. Dr. Husainmiya.
The book consists of seven insightful chapters, with contributions from: Associate Professor Dr. AM Mihlar, Prof. SMM Mazahir, Dr. Ismath Ramzy, Dr. Arafath Careem, Dr. Zacky Fouz, Prof. MSM Jalaldeen, and myself.
A heartfelt thank you to Prof. Thameem Ushama, the current director of IIMU, Prof. Dawood Al-Hidaby, the former director, and Dr. Siraj Abdullah, Deputy Director of IIMU, as well as all the contributors for their unwavering support throughout this project. Your encouragement has been invaluable.
May Allah (SWT) bless you all and grant success to this book, making it a source of benefit and knowledge for many.

Ash Sheikh Arkam Razzak
PhD Student – ISTAC- IIUM
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
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