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ACJU vehemently condemns the legalization of the practice of seeking sexual gratification through immoral means

Ref: ACJU/NGS/2024/355 2024.07.30 (1446.01.22) LGBTQ+ is a collective term used to denote a society that entertains gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender practices. Allah (God Almighty) first created the male human, named Adam (PBUH), and then the female human, named Hawwa (PBUH), as his spouse. From them, He spread their offspring as males and females throughout the world. Since the inception …

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Muslims opposed to LGBTQ curricula for their kids aren’t bigots

It boils down to moral values rooted firmly in one’s faith, not in a political ideology — left or right. A young Muslim-American woman student holds the US flag during a pageant at the Islamic Center of America in Dearborn, Michigan, March 26, 2010 [Rebecca Cook/REUTERS] We are witnessing a unique and welcome phenomenon: Muslims in the West are at …

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