BIRTH ANNIVERSARYMuslim Personalities

Al–Haj Dr. T.B.JAYAH -Patriot, National Hero


COLOMBO : 31st May, 2024 is the 64th death anniversary of Al Haj Dr. Tuan Burhanudeen Jayah. He passed away in the year 1960 at Madinatun Nabawi, the City of the Prophet. He was laid to rest in the Jannathul Baqi in Medina, among the companions and members of our Holy Prophet (sal) having been accorded the rare honour of a state funeral by the Govt. of Saudi Arabia.

Born on the 1st January 1890 at Galagedera, he was the son of the late Police Sergeant Cassim and Nona Jayah ( nee Sourjah). An old boy of St.Thomas’ College he excelled in school and carried away a large number of prizes. He was the sole representative of Muslims among the brilliant young men of other communities who obtained his Bachelor of Arts degree of the London University in 1911. Having entered the profession of teaching that was dearest to his heart for the next 35 years, he taught Classics and History at Ananda College and also taught at Prince of Wales, Moratuwa and Dharmaraja College at Kandy.

Mr. Jayah in his far sightedness and enduring services to the community created a niche in the hearts of Muslims in this country. He became intensely and fruitfully involved with Zahira College Maradana after having been invited by the Manager of the Maradana Mosque Committee, Mr. N.H.M. Abdul Cader to assume as Principal of Zahira in 1921 when he was 31 years. It was as if destiny brought the man and need together at a time when it was appropriate.

The supreme need of the hour during that period for the Muslims was an education to turn out heroes, heroines, leaders, reformers, thinkers and philosophers. This education helped make the Muslims a progressive, enlightened and powerful community. His entry to Zahira College as Principal was the gateway to the renaissance of a secondary education for Muslims in Sri Lanka.

During his Stewardship at Zahira College ( 1921-1948) he transformed it from a tottering elementary school to a premier educational institution. When he took over the school there were only six teachers, fifty-nine boys, hardly any furniture and a small building. Before he handed over his reins to Mr. A.M.A. Azeez his successor there were ten institutions, over 3500 students and around 150 teachers. At the time of his retirement in 1948 his devoted service and hard work left Zahira with full coffers and an assured income. He even introduced sports where the Zahirians excelled in Rugby Football as well as Boxing.

Just after the 2nd World War, when the military forces occupied the college premises, the College had to be closed down for two years. In order that those students continue their education uninterrupted, he opened up branches in Matale, Puttalam, Gampola, Aluthgama and Slave Island. Once they were established Mr. Jayah decided that they be given their independent status.

As an educationist, he was concerned about the welfare of the Muslims so much so that he inaugurated the Ceylon Muslim Scholarship Fund on 19th May 1945 to ensure that no Muslim scholar capable and deserving in any part of the island was deprived of the education he or she deserved for want of money.

As a Legislator, he was amongst the few Muslims who were on par with the elite of other communities. Dr. T.B. Jayah and other Muslim members of the learned professions had to do all the thinking and planning for the rest of the Muslim community. It was in this situation that Dr. Jayah was elected to the Legislative Council in 1924.

In this capacity, whilst admitting that the Muslims were not forceful enough to fight for their rights and awaited external assistance, he emphasized the need for them to receive special and liberal treatment in the matter of education. He mentioned that unless people of a country were given the necessary facilities for education, its political development and industrial progress would be at stake. He said that if all children of school going ages were given an opportunity to acquire their maximum potential, all measures taken to develop agriculture and improve methods of production will not be appreciated. He even requested that a good University be set up in the country. This was part of his speech made at the Legislative Council on 26th July 1926.

In another speech made on 19th January, 1925, he put up a motion for granting Jummah leave for Muslims on Fridays.

The cause of education being close to his heart, he continuously made requests during his speeches at the various legislative councils for pension funds for teachers and special bonus for the English trained teachers, etc.

He continued into state council being one of the state councilors. He was also a member of the special committee of education in 1943, a landmark in the history of education in this country. He was amongst the gallant band of leaders who toiled during the transition of this country from a colony to an independent state. His famous Dominion Speech made in the State Council has been hailed as one of the factors that accelerated the granting of independence to Ceylon.

His political career was crowned when he was appointed as the Minister of Labour and Social Services in 1947 in the first Cabinet of Hon’ble D.S.Senanayake (1947-1950). One of his outstanding achievements was the establishment of the Employees’ Provident Fund [E.P.F.] which is a boon to all private sector employees. 

Subsequently, he was appointed High Commissioner for Sri Lanka in Pakistan during 1950-57. The Government of Pakistan and its masses respected and loved him. He was appointed the doyen of the Diplomatic Service. The University of Punjab honoured him by the conferment of the degree D.Lit. [Honoris Causa]. He was even offered citizenship in that country which was graciously turned down.

The Late Dr. T.B. Jayah is a fine example for the present day youth to emulate. Having come from humble beginnings he gained educational proficiency. He thereafter imparted his knowledge with zest and devotion and established in Sri Lanka an institution that grew up to be the radiating centre of Islamic thought and civilization. As Legislator and statesman he maintained the highest standards of honesty and morality. He interacted prudently with other community leaders of that time to work for the independence of a United Sri Lanka. As a Diplomat he brought fame and dignity to his motherland.

This devoted man of God breathed his last when on a mission to work for the welfare of the Haj pilgrims of Sri Lanka.

May Almighty Allah grant him Jannathul Firdouse.

Immediately after his death, the All Ceylon Muslim League [the first Muslim political party in Ceylon] formed the Al Haj T. B. Jayah Memorial Fund to perpetuate his legacy. As a first step, this Fund purchased a land opposite Ananda College with the idea of setting up a building to carry out its activities.

Alas, this property had a spoliator and lengthy litigation ensued. Finally a settlement was reached in the Court of Appeal and the property was shared by both parties. The Fund sold its part of the property and with its proceeds purchased a property in T. B. Jayah Mawatha, on 25th March this year.

The President of the Fund is Hon. Kabir Hashim, M.P., the Secretary, Al Haj M. A. M. Nusky and the Treasurer, Mr. M. R. M. Ilyas.

(T. K. Azoor LL. B.,Attorney-at-Law, Former Principal, Zahira College, Colombo )        

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