BIRTH ANNIVERSARYMuslim Personalities

Philanthropist Alhaj N.D.H. Abdul Caffoor

Piety and honesty his forte

61st Commemoration Day on November 1:

These were eulogies ungrudgingly paid to the late Alhaj N.D.H. Abdul Caffoor by the then Prime Minister and the Governor General – two of the outstanding leaders this country has produced to the Souvenir brought out by the Muslim League Senate in 1957 November 1, 2009 marks the 61st death anniversary of Abdul Caffoor one of the greatest benefactors and philanthropists this country has ever known.

‘NDH’ as he was popularly known, was a pioneer in gem trade in this country who ventured out across the oceans and made the name Ceylon (Serendib and Sailan) well-known and popular in the Western world. Though he was not fortunate to enter the portals of a University, he was universally recognized as the greatest expert on gems in countries far and wide.

He held a gem exhibition in Philadelphia as far back as 1926 and was awarded the Grand Prize for the biggest collection of gems ever displayed in the USA. Inspired by this pioneering effort and success, he without any hassle proceeded further to dazzle the Westerners by producing before them the light of gems that were born in the bosom of this good earth – this resplendent isle.

His remarkable knowledge on precious stones were looked on with breathtaking amazement by lovers of gems in St. Louis (USA) in 1903 and two decades hence in Wembly (UK) in 1924, where the British Empire Exhibition was held.

Alhaj N.D.H. Abdul Caffoor became a ‘world figure’ in gems and gemology. Had he lived further down the ages, he would have (certainly) be shortlisted for a Nobel Prize Award in this field!

Although his gem exhibitions were breathtaking, his climb to fame was heart breaking.

A lean and frail looking, fourteen-years-old Caffoor – the lad wandered hither and thither with only a 25-cent silver coin given by his grandmother surfacing an unknown territory – that is Fort today – as the versatile journalist of yesteryear.

S.H. Yoonoos, puts it “the same way Dick Whittington went to London”.

In front of an Old Dutch building in Fort, he chanced to meet a Muslim Jeweller, who was quick to realize Caffoor’s business acumen and ungrudgingly give him call assistance to build up his own capital. Caffoor seized the opportunity to blossom out to be a master business – man within a short period of six years and built up a gem of a business in the establishment of the world famous Gem Museum just in front of the Colombo old Jetty, Opening the path to the ‘whites’, who disembarking from ship straight walked into this edifice to view the splendour of Ceylon – Gems.

‘NDH’ true to his religious belief and practice like the Gems ray serene, outshoned every other in exhibiting a rare sense of honesty and piety.

Dr. M.C.M. Kaleel, another leader known for his sincerity and honesty, one day told us this story. He (Caffoor) once went to purchase a Catseye stone from the farmer of Sir Francis Molamure – Former speaker of the House or Representatives. Senior Molamure fixed the prize at forty – thousand – rupees. Calfoor was not pretentious, but revealing with a smile on his face he paid sixty – five – thousand rupees and said that, that was the real value of the stone.

This story of honesty and gentleman business dealing spread like wild fire in the Sabaragamuwa terrain and Gem pits owners flocked in stream to Gem Museum in Fort to receive Caffoor’s true value to their items.

When Sir Herbert Stanley, then Governor opening the Gem Museum, paid a tribute to N.D.H. Abdul Caffoor for his presentation for permanent exhibition at the Imperial Institute, in South Kensington of a valuable exhibit of Ceylon Stones. He was then the inheritor of the largest and the finest Catseye in the world.

NDH Hajiar was also loved by his countrymen for his manifold and magnificent charity. The Deaf and Dump school at Ratmalana, the Child Protection Society at Pamunuwa road, Maharagama and various other charitable and social institutions speak volumes for his generosity and philanthropy.

The establishment of the Gaffooriya Arabic College in Maharagama in the early 1930s by NDH Hajiar opened the flood – gates for well qualified Ulemas (Islamic Theologians) to take the centre stage in reviving Islamic education, thought and activity among the Muslims not only in Sri Lanka but even in India and other South East countries. When young, I remember with nostalgic memories students of this great seat of Arabic studies congregating at the residence of my uncle, the late Alhaj A.L.J. Deen (well-known as Deen Baas Maama in the construction trade and the founder of Masjidul Azhariyyah in Temple Road, Maharagama) for the regular recitals of Burdah, Mowlid, Rathin and other religious observances, partaking sumptuous meals thereafter.

A great man of philanthropy and magnanimity, NDH Hajiar in life did everything for ‘Lillah…’ – in the path of Allah He shunned publicity and public honours. Once when it was suggested that the Government be urged to conter on him a Knighthood, he simply shrugged it off saying that all praise and honour belonged to Allah – “I am only giving to others what the Creator bestowed on me and I am only a guardian of His wealth and property…” He always believed in the maxim”, the hand that gives, gathers…”.

Whatever the merits and rewards gathered by the late Alhaj N.D.H. Abdul Caffoor – the King of Gems in the Island of Serendib – let him richly harvest in a abundance the Awards from his Creator in the Hereafter – Aameen!

The writer was Secretary to the Muslim League Senate, Former Minister and Presently Presidential Advisor on Parliamentary Affairs and Media Ombudsman


“Though he is perhaps best remembered for the contribution to the cause of Muslim education and religion, his generosity was not limited to the Muslim community alone. I regard him as one of the outstanding Ceylonese gentlemen of his age and appreciate this opportunity of paying this tribute to him”.

– S.W.R.D. Bandaranaike


“The great interest that he took in social service and education will always remain a great inspiration to us. Let the work that he has done and the life that he has led be an example to us all”.

– Sir Oliver Goonetileke

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