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Corruption an Islamic Perspective By Naleem Badurdeen

In this materialistic world, we have become so busy and greedy about this world and we have become so ignorant of Allah’s commands and the way of life.

As Muslims we strongly believe in the uncertainty of the time of our death, the Day of Judgment and life after death. Every soul is accountable to Allah for every action that they have done on this world.

The prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.) said: “The son of Adam will not pass away from Allah until he is asked about five things: how he lived his life, and how he utilized his youth, How did he earn his wealth, how did he spend his wealth, and what did he do with his knowledge.” {Tirmidhi}

As a responsible parent, brother/sister we want the best for our families. We want to live a good life, have good education, earn the respect from family members and the others. Therefore, we do work or get involved in business. With that money we provide for our families and try to give them the very best. Since we live in a materialistic world, we constantly think of ways to make more money, without considering whether the money we earn is halal (allowed) or haraam (not allowed).

Nowadays bribery and corruption has become such a norm in our lives in many part of the world and we take part in it without even thinking! This is WRONG and it’s a big sin in Islam.

Corruption is the misuse of entrusted power for personal or private gain. Generally speaking, corruption exists when a person in power has the right to make decisions that concern others whose interests are at stake. The interested parties will try to find ways and means of getting what they want. One of the common ways is to offer the person in power certain favours so that the decision is made to his/her advantage. This could happen only if the decision maker is willing to accept the favour offered to him.

The problem becomes gigantic when corruption is practised openly. Those in power start demanding what they want and those who give are very open about it as well. Both parties have regarded it as a norm; they don’t feel bad about it because everybody else is doing it anyway. Those who choose not do it are considered stupid.

Corruption is also said to be highly related to materialistic tendencies, which can be due to genuine needs caused by income or greed and the desire to live well beyond one’s means. When this happens, it can easily lead to gross inefficiencies both financially and in productivity. Those involved will find ways and means of applying pressure on others whom they can prey upon, instead of providing genuine service to such victims.

The Prophet (S.A.W) appointed a number of his companions as the collectors of zakat, during the Medina period. They were to make proper assessments on the items where zakat become payable, collect the proper amounts and distribute to the recipients in the same locality. One of these collectors of zakat came back and told the Holy Prophet, "This amount is what I have collected less what I have distributed to the rightful recipients, but this is mine". Prophet (SAL) was very upset and rebuked him saying, "What right do you have to put aside something that does not belong to you. If you were to remain in your father's house, would you get what you are taking?"

Gifts to officials are a form of bribery. Justification for bribery is only one part of the problem. We have also desensitized ourselves to the concept of bribery. We have mixed it so well in our practices and given many names other than bribery. For example, doctors get bribed by pharmaceutical companies not in cash, but in form of other rewards (eg. gifts, meals, entertainment, research grants etc). The problem is that we've weaved bribery into the fabric of our society so intricately that we don't consider it abnormal. It is quite common for those intending to receive bribes to delay approval or payment process so that they can expedite the service in return for some bribes.

The people who take and give bribery have the following excuses:

1. If I don't pay bribe, my work will not get done on time.

2. I have to take bribe as my salary is not enough.

3. I have to bribe the decision maker in order to get the contract.

4. I didn’t ask for money, but they offered it in a return of favour.

5. If I don’t pay bribe, I will have to go to courts and waste lot of time and money.

6. I received only gifts not money

7. The list could go on and on…

Islam prohibits taking, giving bribery and warns all of those involved of hell fire. However, the Muslim scholars affirm that bribery is prohibited when it is aimed at consuming other’s property or rights unfairly. Thus, if someone finds himself in a situation in which all avenues of redressing a wrong done him, or recovering a right which has been forfeited, are blocked except through the payment of a bribe, the sin of it will not be on him but on the recipient of the bribe.

“The Messenger of Allah (P.B.U.H.) cursed the one who offers the bribe and the one who receives it.” (Tirmidhi)

We only think about our immediate benefits and fail to look at the bigger picture. As long as the bribery and corruption exists, the poor will remain poor; the problem of corruption is so serious, affecting all societies rich and poor. Corruption will increase poverty; and governments fail to improve the education system, fail to spend more on scientific research, fail to protect human rights, fail to eradicate poverty.

Allah says: “And do not eat up your property among yourselves for vanities, nor use it as a bait for the judges, with intent that ye may eat up wrongfully and knowingly a little of (other) people’s property”. (Al-Baqarah: 188)

Abu Umamah Al-Bahli said that the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) said, “Whoever intercedes on behalf of his brother and therefore he offers him a gift, it would be nothing other than a grievous usury.” (Abu Dawud)

Abdul Rahman ibn Auf, the richest companions among the famous ten whom the Prophet had predicted will enter paradise, will have to account for all his wealth, the way he got and spent them, before being allowed to approach the gate of paradise. The other nine would have little wealth to account for and hence will speedily reach paradise. God knows best.

If someone consumes even a single morsel of Haraam food, his worship will not be accepted for a period of 40 days. The flesh that grows out of unlawful income has no place in the hereafter but hell How to stop this? 1. Be honest in your duties and do justice to all deserved. 2. When someone ask for or give you a bribe, think about your life after death. 3. Ask your husband/wife/daughter/son/brother/sister how they got any money that is unaccounted for and if it’s from haraam, warn them and don’t get involved with it. 4. If every individual stop paying bribe, the receiving party gets affected. 5. If you love your country and your religion, then stop this shameful act. 6. Every change needs to start within; sooner or later millions will follow.

Are you an individual that stands for Integrity and Honour? Are you an individual that is committed to your values and beliefs? What if you die tomorrow? I want every individual to think. You may escape the legal system of your country. But you cannot escape from Allah on the Day of Judgment? If you want true success in this world and hereafter stop this shameful act and become a true Muslim. Allah will definitely bless you.

“Truly, Allah does not change the condition of a people until they change what is in themselves.” (Quran 13:11)


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One comment

  1. I realy appreciate your efforts ,we Muslims should practice our deen in all aspects of life, we should become rollmodels for other human beings in character building

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