Islamic Solutions to the Problem of “AIDS”

By Dr. L.A. Ansari, Ahmadiyya Muslim Hospital, Talindingkunjang
The Ahmadiyya Gazette, June 1995

This speech was delivered at 18th Jalsa Salana of Jamaat Ahmadiyya, The Gambia on 10th April, 1993.

There is an uproar all over the world about this horrible disease called AIDS. It has become a major health problem worldwide. Physicians and giant pharmaceutical companies are feverishly busy in finding cure for this deadly disease. Billions of dollars have been allocated by the governments of various countries for research on AIDS. AIDS has been declared `Plague of the Century’ by some medical authorities. There is no cure. Anyone can become infected: men, women, children; rich and poor alike. Today, more than 12 million people worldwide are infected with AIDS. It is spreading so rapidly that it has surpassed all previous estimates. It is estimated that AIDS will hit peak in mid-1900’s and by the year 2000 the number of its victims will be beyond 40 million worldwide. Presently, in France alone, one person dies of AIDS every 3 hours.

What is the Disease `AIDS’ and How does it Spread?

The word `AIDS’ stands for ACQUIRED IMMUNO-DEFICIENCY SYNDROME. It is caused by a tiny germ known as HUMAN IMMUNO-DEFICIENCY VIRUS or HIV. This virus destroys the body’s natural ability to fight against all infections, thus clearing the way for various opportunistic infections which lead to the disease AIDS.

The World Health Organization (WHO) maintains that the major mode of transmission of the disease AIDS is through sexual contact with the infected persons. The disease, therefore, can be transmitted from woman to man, man to woman or man to man. Homosexuality, one of the worst forms of sexual permissiveness, and sexual promiscuity, which is rampant in Western societies, are the main causes of the spread of this disease. It can also be transmitted through blood by transfusing the blood of HIV- infected persons to others. Similarly, the disease is common among drug addicts who share infected needles and syringes.

AIDS – A Heavenly Curse

The disease AIDS is a living sign of the truthfulness of the Holy Prophet of Islam, Hazrat Muhammed (Sallallaho alaihi wa sallam) who made a prophecy about it 1400 years ago. He said:

`Whenever unlawful sexual conduct prevails with a society to the point that they feel no shame in disclosing it and doing it openly, then they shall suffer the Plague and such painful illnesses that their ancestors have never experienced.’

(Sunan ibne-Majah, Book of Fitan’: Chapter on Punishment)

How precisely has the prophecy been fulfilled in our time. The scientists of today have not only described AIDS as `the Plague of the Century’ but also observed that the virus causing AIDS becomes more aggressive and highly dangerous when it is travelling rapidly through a population. That exactly is the case in a highly promiscuous society. This clearly proves that AIDS is a heavenly punishment for immorality and sexual perversities. Moreover, Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (alaihis salam), Promised Messiah and Mahdi, founder of the worldwide Ahmadiyya movement in Islam, who attained this lofty spiritual position through his total obedience to the Holy Prophet of Islam, also made a prophecy about a plague-like disease. The prophecy reads:

`A plague-like disease will spread in Europe and other Christian countries which will be horrible’

(Tazkirah, Urdu, p. 705, March 17, 1907)

It has been established scientifically that AIDS took its start in the Christian part of the world. This event also bears a resemblance with the plague that broke out approximately 100 years after the advent of Jesus Christ when it affected mostly the areas where Jesus Christ was rejected. Once again, it is almost 100 years since the time of the appearance of the Messiah of this age, Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, who founded the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat in 1889. It is, therefore, a proof of the truthfulness of both the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) and the Promised Messiah and Imam Mahdi.

Solution to the Problem

Solution to this problem lies in observing the Islamic teachings. When we look at the causes of AIDS, it becomes absolutely clear that it is the un-Islamic practices that are responsible for this disease. Huge sums of money are being spent by various governments and other agencies to find a cure. Amazingly, the conclusions that the scientists have drawn are exactly those what Islam has taught us:

i) A renowned AIDS researcher, Dr. Ron Bayen of New York says:

“Only a change in sexual behavior and a war against drugs can stop the progress of the disease.”

ii) Another WHO report reads:

“In the absence of effective vaccine or drug, only intervention that successfully changes people’s behavior can slow further spread of HIV, which is transmitted for the most part through sexual intercourse.

iii) Yet another booklet entitled “FACTS ABOUT AIDS”, giving advice to the public says:

“Stick to your faithful partner or partners. Avoid casual sex or multiple partners.”

The aforementioned `change in sexual behavior’ is nothing but to observe Islamic ways concerning sexual relations. Similarly, `the faithful partner’ is none but a God-fearing spouse.

In Surah `Al-MU’MINUN’, while describing the required standards and qualities of true believers, Allah, the Almighty says:

And who guard their chastity —Except from their wives or what their right hands possess, for then they are not to be blamed;

But those who seek anything beyond that are the transgressors —

The above-mentioned verses provide a clear guidance for one’s sexual relations and prohibit all sorts of pre-marital, extra-marital or casual sex, which are the characteristics of a sexually promiscuous society.

Islam requires all men and women to get married when they are capable of doing so. For guarding one’s chastity before the time of marriage, the Prophet of Islam (s.a.w.) has advised `Nafila fasting’. Moreover, Islam also permits so, to have more than one wife, but not to exceed 4 at any one time because it is beyond human capacity and doing so has always led to unmanageable difficulties on both sides.

The institution of marriage, which furnishes a basic solution to the problem of AIDS, is a sacred institution in Islam. On one hand, a normal marriage leads to procreation, sustenance of human race, which is the cardinal reason for the institution of marriage, while on the other hand, it lays heavy responsibility on the parents regarding training and modelling of future generation. The Holy Quran and Ahadith provide detailed guidance about the institution of marriage. For example, Islam advises its followers to give preference to righteousness and chastity of a woman while selecting one’s wife. That is to lay a firm foundation of an ideal healthy family.

Similarly, we are provided with adequate guidance, admonition and counselling in the Holy Quran, Sunnah and Ahadith about our moral conduct which, if faithfully followed, would eliminate any possibility of deviation which can, in any remote way, lead to sexual perversity or AIDS. We read in the Holy Quran:

`Say to the believing men that they restrain their eyes and guard their private parts. That is purer for them. Surely, Allah is well aware of what they do. (Ch-24, v.31)`And come not near unto adultery; surely, it is a foul thing and an evil way’. (Ch-17, v.33)

This is such an excellent code.

It is a universal phenomenon that drinking leads, inter alia, to such a loss of senses which accelerate sexual perversity. The Holy Quran guides us that:

`They ask thee concerning wine and the game of hazard. Say: “In both there is great sin and also some advantages; but their sin is greater than their advantages”.’ (Ch-2, v.220)

In short, the excellent teachings of Islam provide such a perfect code of conduct for human beings which preclude any possibility of moral degradation is averted, it would be a natural and real solution to the problem of AIDS, which is haunting human fancy today and in our posterity. Without this Divine code of conduct, the world is doomed for perdition, its only solution is the teachings of Islam. May Allah enable the world realize the dangers it is exposed to and may He guide them to the real sanctuary of peace, i.e. Islam. Amen!

(Monthly Al-Islam May/June 1993)

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