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Tag Archives: racism

What is Islamophobia? The Politics of Anti-Muslim Racism by Nour Soubani

IntroductionWith rising anti-Muslim sentiment in the United States and Europe, there is an ongoing discussion about how to define it. Since Islam is not a race, some argue that it can’t be called “racism.” Others argue that the victims of “Islamophobia” also include people of color who may be perceived as Muslim, and so it fits into the category of …

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Muslims and Arabs in Australia are tweeting their experiences with racism

"I was called a 'bloody Muslim' on the school run, in front of my daughter. Now don't wear my hijab when she's with me." Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull decided to celebrate Harmony Day (the country's national day for celebrating diversity) on Mar 21 by watering down the race-hate laws in the country.  Turnbull said the government will remove the …

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