In unconventional warfare, manipulated beliefs are used to displace inconvenient facts. When waging war by way of deception, false beliefs are an oft-deployed weapon. Recall Iraqi weapons of mass destruction? Iraqi ties to Al Qaeda? Iraqi mobile biological weapons laboratories? Iraqi meetings in Prague with Al Qaeda? Iraqi purchases of yellowcake uranium from Niger? All these claims were reported as …
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Overcoming religious prejudices through education: the experience of Bethlehem University, By Fr. Jamal Khader
BETHLEHEM – A Christian professor teaches about Jesus Christ, the Church, and the Holy Trinity at a Catholic university. It may seem normal to do so, except that 75 percent of the students are Muslim. This is a required course at Bethlehem University, and the course titled “religious cultural studies” is co-taught by a Christian professor and a Muslim one. …
US President Barack Obama was in China this week. He came, he saw, but his charm failed to conquer the Chinese leaders, as it did with the Arabs during his West Asia visit in June. Obama held lengthy talks with Chinese leaders to get their support for US policies and to urge them to be considerate towards US economic concerns, …
Read More »Free The Forgotten Bird Of Paradise,By John Pilger
November 16, 2009 “Information Clearing House” — When General Suharto, the west’s man, seized power in Indonesia in the mid-1960s, he offered “a gleam of light in Asia”, rejoiced Time magazine. That he had killed up to a million “communists” was of no account in the acquisition of what Richard Nixon called “the richest hoard of natural resources, the greatest …
Read More »U.N. Affirms Israeli-Hamas War Crimes Report, By Thalif Deen
UNITED NATIONS, Nov 5 (IPS) – A 575-page blistering report by Justice Richard Goldstone detailing war crimes in Gaza last December is refusing to die despite an aggressive Israeli smear campaign to kill it. The report, which was favourably voted by the 47-member Human Rights Council in Geneva last month, received overwhelming support Thursday in the 192-member General Assembly. The …
Read More »People’s alliance is what required for lasting peace, by Dr.M.A.Mohamed Saleem
How to foster lasting peace in this country after three turbulent decades is the topmost discussion point today wherever Sri Lankans meet. There is a strong feeling the silver lining of hope that glimmered on the 18th May 2009, when the source of terrorism received the last bullet, is fading away under the increasing turbulence caused by politicians in anticipation …
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