Muslim PersonalitiesProfilesStamp Collection

N. D. H. Abdul Caffoor

On the 8th of April 1875 a remarkable man was born. Noor Deen Hajiar Abdul Ghaffoor was born to a well reputed Moor family in Colombo, Sri Lanka. From a very young age he was apprenticed to his uncle C L Rahmatullah (Periya Thamby), a successful gem merchant. In his early years, together with his uncle, the young boy affectionately known as NDH throughout his life, would board the large passenger ships that docked at Colombo Harbour to sell their wares to wealthy passengers. From those humble beginnings, he founded a jewellery shop at the Bristol Hotel building in 1894 at the young age of nineteen and by 1915 had built the iconic Ghaffoor Building which was described as one of the largest and finest commercial structures in Colombo. By 1929 NDH created the Gem Museum at 40 Church Street designed by the famous architectural firm Edwards Reid and Begg. All this paved the way for the foundation of a jewellery empire that made his name familiar far and wide. He brought fame and fortune to his motherland and became known for his philanthropy to all communities as well as to the country of his birth – Sri Lanka.

In a few short years as a gem merchant, NDH had established his expertise in the field and in 1901 was invited to display his finest pearls, rubies, sapphires and other jewellery art to the Prince and Princess of Wales at the Kandy Pavilion during their Royal visit. Just two years later in 1903, he presented at the St Louis Exhibition, USA. Then again, he had a stall at the All Ceylon Exhibition in 1912, and the British Empire Exhibition in 1924. The very next year in 1925 he exhibited at the Wembley Exhibition where Her Majesty Queen Mary visited his stall and took a keen personal interest in the exquisite gems and jewellery he displayed. His final exhibition was at the Philadelphia Sesquicentennial Exposition in 1926, where he was awarded the Grand Prize for the biggest collection of gems ever displayed in the USA.

He married Ummu Nafeesa and together they had 5 sons and 3 daughters. As much as he was known for his achievements in the business world, he was also known for his piety, and his devotion to his religion was deep and profound. He is reputed to have never missed a prayer, even when travelling in the dead of winter. In fact, it was said that his piety was even greater than his wealth. Having lived a full life, travelled the world, and established a successful business, NDH finally met his maker on Nov 1st 1948. He is buried in the Maradana Mosque grounds. In 1993, the country honoured him with a stamp belonging to the National Heroes series having previously named a street Abdul Ghaffoor Mawatha. Today, his name lives on through his iconic buildings, his charitable works and his business.

Donations & Contributions

Not only was NDH a successful businessman and jeweller, he was a devout Muslim and a conscientious citizen. His donations to both Muslim and secular organisations were generous, timely and beneficial. The following are the Direct Donations and Contributions made by N.D.H. to the respective causes.

Zahira College, Colombo

In 1922, the school was gifted a complete, well equipped Science block including a laboratory and NDH donated 18 acres of land from his estate in Maharagama to the students of Zahira College to impart a practical knowledge and training in agriculture to be utilized by the school. In 1929 NDH contributed towards the building of Ghaffoor Hall which consists of 16 classrooms, an administrative section and high ceiling auditorium. Ghaffoor Hall is a landmark building of the school and encapsulates the spirit of the school in its architecture. In 1948 a few months before his death, he built a hostel.

The Deaf And Blind School, Ratmalana

NDH donated 4 acres of land and building to the school for their wellbeing and growth.

Child Protection Society Inc (Boys’ Home)

Recognizing the need to care for destitute children under the aegis of The Child Protection Society Inc, NDH thoughtfully donated 6 acres of land equipped with a hostel in Maharagama. The home looks after little boys from all faiths and ethnicities reflecting NDH’s way of life that looked beyond creed and race.

Mosques And Religious Places

Devoted to the upliftment of Islam, NDH financed many mosques and religious institutions. Some of them are the famous Ketchimalai Mosque – Beruwela, the Maradana Mosque, the beautiful Mohideen Thakiya with its striking minarets and Saracenic arches and the Alawiya Thakiya at Messenger Street.

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