Masjid News

Kollupitiya Mosque conducts medical camp for the needy

The Board of Management of the Kollupitiya Jumma Mosque successfully carried out its first-ever free Medical Camp at Kollupitiya Mosque premises on Thursday October 17.

It was held under the patronage of the Chairman of the Mosque Haji A.R.M.Haroon.
More than ten doctors and hospital staff were present and 600 residents of the Kollupitiya area benefited from the free medical camp.

During the day, patients visited the premises to check their eyes from the healthcare professionals.
In addition also tested patients’ blood sugar, blood pressure, oral health and subsequently provided medical advice as to how to lead a healthier life. An eye clinic was also held and spectacles were distributed free of charge for those who were in need of them.

Speaking during the event, Trustee of the Mosque Shazmin Munsoor said the event was made possible through the active partnership of doctors and hospital staff along with sponsors. He thanked Mosques staff and all the sponsors. Also he said in future they will organize many more such projects for the benefit of the people in Kollupitiya area.
The Mosque management presented mementos to the doctors and sponsors at this ceremony.

Acting Officer in Charge of the Kollupitiya Police W.A.C. Amith, Kollupitya Jumma Mosque Deputy Chairman M.A.M. Zakwan, Mosque Imam Ash Sheik Saheed Jamshid and Zam Zam Foundation Ash Sheik Sajidh Khan were also present.

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