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Exposing The Financial Core of the Transnational Capitalist Class By Peter Phillips and Brady Osborne

Media Freedom Foundation/Project Censored has just finish a year long study on the people on the boards of directors of the top ten asset management firms and the top ten most centralized corporations in the world. With overlaps there is a total of thirteen firms in our study: Barclays PLC, BlackRock Inc., Capital Group Companies Inc., FMR Corporation: Fidelity Worldwide …

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Washington Signals Dollar Deep Concerns By Paul Craig Roberts

Over the past month there has been a statistically improbable concurrence of events that can only be explained as a conspiracy to protect the dollar from the Federal Reserve’s policy of Quantitative Easing (QE). Quantitative Easing is the term given to the Federal Reserve’s policy of printing 1,000 billion new dollars annually in order to finance the US budget deficit …

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The Attack on Gold By Paul Craig Roberts

The orchestrated attack on bullion in the paper gold market took the spot prices of gold and silver down on Friday and Monday, but actual physical purchases rose during this period. The sales were of paper claims, not of real metal. The demand for physical possession of bullion rose so strongly that large wholesalers such as and large retailers …

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Fiscal woes force US to cut naval presence in Persian Gulf

Deteriorating financial woes in the United States have forced Washington to reduce its military presence in the Persian Gulf. The news comes after the US administration was forced to sign into effect the spending cuts known as the sequester on Friday, which will take USD 85 billion from the US federal budget in 2013. About half of the cuts, USD …

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