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The Israeli occupation cum ethnic cleansing in Palestine and the way-out by Dr. Firoz Mahboob Kamal

The unending war

Those who want to occupy a land and want to cleanse its people, their war doesn’t end. They only take pauses for making a bigger battle for full occupation and full cleansing. The Israeli occupation of Palestine is the perfect example of that. The imperialists’ war started against the Muslims in the Arab World in 1917; it got new boosts in 1948, 1967, and 1973 and still continues. Each time the enemies set new goalposts and implement new strategies. In 1917, it was aimed at dismantling Muslims’ huge pan-Islamic political infrastructure –the khelafah, and occupying its lands. At that time, they gave fuel to Arab nationalism to get Arabs on their side. In 1948, the goal was to establish Israel – a garrison outpost of the western imperialists in the heartland of the Muslim ummah. In 1967, it was to grab more lands for a greater Israel. But now, the new agenda is ethnic cleansing of the occupied land of the whole of Palestine. Two states formula is no more acceptable to the Israelis. The situation in the occupied land is being made increasingly difficult to make Palestinians voluntarily leave the land. In a period of 6 years, Israel launched 3 devastating wars against 1.8 million people of Gaza. The one-month-old war in 2014 had a 72 hours’ ceasefire. It again started on 08/08/14. According to Al Jazeera news on 9/08/14, the war killed 1,914 civilians in Gaza and injured more than 9 thousand. And it also displaced about 3 hundred thousand. In the war of 2014, Hamas killed 67 Israelis; of them only 3 are civilians. The civilian death in Israel was only 4.4%. But in Gaza, it is 73%. Hence, Israel’s war was not only against Hamas but also against innocent civilians.

In the 2014’s war, the Israeli Army destroyed 110 mosques, 66 schools, 8 hospitals, one Islamic university, and 111 UN relief offices. A huge number of houses, shops, offices, and roads are also destroyed. Gaza turned into a devastating piece of land. After all this devastation and genocide, Israel’s intention for killing more people and causing more destruction is still thriving. The Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told in a press conference on 2/08/14 that the Israeli army will continue the operation in Gaza even if the war ceases. Hence, Israel’s appetite for killing more and destroying more looks unquenchable. There exists no power in the world that can stop such genocidal war. There also runs an ongoing process of killing and tormenting the people of Gaza in other ways. Gaza is just like a prison. And like a prison, it has no access to the outside world. Gaza lies on the bank of the Mediterranean Sea but is denied any seaport. It has an airport; that was bombed to the ground. Thus, essential infrastructure for the sustenance of human habitation is getting systematically destroyed. Hence, people are put under constant pressure to leave Gaza; another effective Israeli strategy for ethnic cleansing.


The inherent rejection

The genesis of sustained war of resistance against the Israeli occupation owes to Israel’s own creation. Israel was illegally transplanted in an occupied Muslim land by the British imperialists –as was projected in Balfour’s declaration in 1917. Now its illegal existence is facing an acute rejection crisis. A healthy body never accepts any foreign transplant. The body’s own immunity becomes an inherent enemy against such implantations. If Hamas was not there, some other organizations would have emerged with a similar or more intense commitment against Israeli occupation. In medical science, it needs massive suppression of the body’s own immunity to protect the transplant. In social science, it needs a full ideological or religious conversion. De-Islamisation, secularisation, and conversion to western liberalism are the tools to suppress such rejectionist immunity. But the recent resurgence of Islam among Palestinians has made those imperialists’ tools ineffective. Hence Hamas, not Fatah is getting the upper hand. And Jihad, and not the negotiation is getting popularity.

Moreover, like Ka’aba in Makka, Baitul Muqaddas in Jerusalem doesn’t belong to Palestine alone; it belongs to the whole Muslim ummah. Hence occupation of Jerusalem has already spread shock waves of rejection all over the Muslim World. Muslims’ anger against Israel can be easily felt from millions of Muslims’ participation in protest rallies against Israel all over the world. In fact, no other issue in the world shows such a strong connection with Muslims’ emotional fibers. Therefore, even if the secularised PLO, neighboring Egypt, Jordon, UAE, Bahrain, Morocco, and Sudan accept Israel’s illegal existence, still it will be rejected out rightly by the Muslim ummah. Today they fighting only against the people of Gaza; but tomorrow they have to fight an unending war against the whole Muslim world. Hence, Israel and its imperialist supporters fully understand that Israel needs to fight a perpetual war for its survival. The USA and the European Union understand it; hence support Israel’s genocidal war against the Palestinians. Even deaths of innocent children by Israeli bombs do not touch the heart of these war-mongering imperialists, rather they applaud Israel’s military might. They label such a massacre as Israel’s legitimate right for her security. The European colonialists could survive in America and in Australia only through similar ethnic cleansing of the indigenous Red Indians and the Aborigines. Israel too took the same route since its creation to ethnically cleanse most of the occupied land. For the same reason, the war in Gaza becomes more and more genocidal.


The clash of civilization

The UN shows imperialists’ influence on its policy. So it gives Israel extra leeway to continue the massacre for more than a month. Not a single sentence was adopted in the UN to condemn such a genocidal war. The UN’s job has been nothing more than silently watching the devastation. It is a shame. The reason is clear. The UN can execute only the policy of the former imperialists. While 1.5 billion Muslims have been deprived of having any say in its Security Council, it can’t pass any resolution without the approval of 60 million British or 65 million French. So, the UN itself stands hostage to these imperialists. The anti-Palestine war is not the war of Israel alone. It is also the war of the USA, the EU, and the UK. These western countries have lost their geographical empires but still have economic, cultural, and ideological empires. Israel is fighting the war on behalf of these imperialists to sustain their dominance. President Barak Obama in his recent speech in Brussels called it a war of ideas. On 09/08/14, he declared war against ISIS. He told that the USA will not allow the establishment of khelafa; and called it a terrorist project. Hence the USA’s opposition against Islam’s fundamental institution like khelafa is no more hidden: whether it is an ISIS initiative or of others. It is indeed the interference in the internal matter of the Muslim ummah. Such an imperialistic agenda of global dominance justified the genocidal occupation of Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq, and Syria in the past and now supports Israeli genocide in Gaza. The US academic Prof Huntington called it a clash of civilizations. Therefore, the west’s war against the Muslims will never end. This is the 21st-century crusade of the west.

Like the old crusade, Palestine still represents the frontline of war between two civilizations. Hence the current war is not only the war between the Israelis and the Palestinians, the western powers consider it a war between two civilizations. The western leaders tell it openly that Israel represents the western culture, values, and ideas and is the victim of Islamic extremism. Hence, the imperialists share the costs of this war against Islam voluntarily: hence, Israel need not ask for such western help. Since the creation of Israel, the USA alone spent 121 billion dollars to support Israel’s war efforts. The USA government finance 25% of Israel’s defense budget.–(Source: Al Jazeera English). While Israel was still continuing the massacre in Gaza in its 2014 war, the USA Congress granted another 225 million US dollars to support Israel’s anti-missile radar system on 01/08/2014. The USA’s annual contribution to Israel is 3.8 billion dollars. It gives about 10 million US dollars per day to Israel. In 1973, while the Israeli army faced some serious crisis in war in Sinai, the USA government arranged quick air delivery of advanced weapons to Israel. Thus it shows the degree of the USA’s involvement to save Israel from any military defeat. In June 2021, while the Israeli Air Force was bombing on Gaza, the USA government announced an aid of 735 million US dollars to Israel.

Israel also receives huge military aid from the UK, France, and German. These western imperialists take all steps to protect Israel from condemnation in any UN and international forums for its alleged war crimes. Hence it is the collective punishment of the people of Gaza by the collective endeavor of the west and Israel. Arab countries like Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and Jordan are also involved in such imperialistic endeavors. The prison of Gaza has four walls: three of these are built and protected by Israel. The fourth wall facing Sinai is guarded by the Egyptians. The Palestinians are fighting the war alone against the imperialists’ coalition.   


The disconnection and the powerlessness

The Muslim ummah stands paralyzed by its powerlessness. They only watch the atrocities against their fellow Muslims. They do nothing to undo it. They can do some protest rallies in the streets, but such rallies do not reduce Israel’s crimes. The genocidal army never listens to lectures on morality. Nor does one possess any sense of shame to pay heed to any condemnation. Hence, Allah Subhana wa Ta’ala’s prescription against such brutal enemies stands very clear: it is a full-scale jihad against these criminals. Hence, the Prophet (peace be upon him) of Islam and his companions did not do any rally, nor did mere dowa. Rather they did jihad to defeat the enemies in the war front. Jihad has other consequences: it is the only way to bring down the blessing of Allah Subhana wa Ta’ala. When the Muslims start jihad, they do not stand alone in the war field. Allah Subhana wa Ta’ala’s huge army of angels also joins them. This is why the Muslims were not alone in Badar, Ohud, Hunayun, and other wars.

In such a fight against Islam’s enemies, not only the angel, but also the air, the sea, and even other creatures joined the Muslim army. This is why Pharaoh’s army couldn’t kill unarmed Hazrat Musa (AS) and his people. Arrogant King Abraha met the same fate. He marched with a massive army from Yemen to demolish the house of Allah in Makka. His army that also comprised of a large number of elephants were demolished by a Divine army of tiny birds that dropped pebbles as missiles.

The fate of war is not made in war fields; rather comes only from All-Powerful Allah Subhana wa Ta’ala. In the past, the Muslims won all of their wars only with the help of Allah Subhana wa Ta’ala -not by their superior number or military might. That was possible only because of their strong connection with Him. It is the core belief of true Muslims that there exists not ability except the ability given by Allah Subhana wa Ta’ala (wa ma taufiq illa billAllah).  But now, the Muslims are following a path far away from siratul mustaqem. Jihad –the war in the way of Allah Subhana wa Ta’ala has no place in their self-engineered roadmap. Most of them consider it a delusion of a few fanatics. Such deviation from the Qur’anic road map is enough to disconnect these deviants from Allah Subhana wa Ta’ala.  The current state of the powerlessness of the Muslims in fact owes to such deviation and disconnection.

Allah Subhana wa Ta’ala’s has a clear promise for the Muslims. Victory is theirs if they follow the Qur’anic roadmap. Otherwise, defeat and disgrace in this world and hellfire in the hereafter are also guaranteed. And who can be more truthful than Allah Subhana wa Ta’ala in keeping the promise? (Ma asdaqa minAllahi qeela?). Muslims were only 313 against an army of 1000 kuffars in Badr. They won. In the War of Yarmuk against the Roman Army of two hundred thousand, Muslims were only 15 thousand. They won too. Because they fought for Allah Allah Subhana wa Ta’ala’s agenda.

Now, the Muslims have started to suffer from another element of Allah Subhana wa Ta’ala’s promise –defeat and punishment. Their current defeat and disgrace indeed owe to the fact that they didn’t follow the Qur’anic roadmap. Nor do they fight for the Divine agenda. Instead, they are pursuing tribal, regional, national, or monarchical agendas. The Palestinians are not an exception. The Palestinians under Palestinian Liberation Organisation (PLO) and Fatah are trying to become more Palestinian than Muslim. Establishing the self-rule or sovereignty of the Palestinians has been the sole objective of their long struggle. Establishing sovereignty of Allah Subhana wa Ta’ala, sharia and khelafa is no issue for them. On the contrary, in the early days of Islam, the sole objective of wars was to bring the supremacy of Allah’s sharia laws and His sovereignty. The great prophet of Islam (peace be upon him) died, but his Divine mission did not die with him. It survived with the institution of khelafa that inspired the Muslims to carry out the same prophetic mission as his viceroys. Thus khelafa became the most fundamental Islamic institution and the inseparable part of the Muslims’ core beliefs. But now, the Muslims have totally betrayed such a prophetic mission. Khelafa, jihad, sharia, the concept of ummah, the pan-Islamic brotherhood, and unity are no more the parts of the Muslims’ belief today.


The artificial states

Mere hard efforts, bloody wars, and heavy sacrifices do not bring any success. Every war must be made for the right purpose and in the right way. The question is, how to know the right way? It is indeed the most crucial issue in humans’ life. It cannot be postulated by a man; nor can be invented in laboratories. It is the sole domain of Allah Subhana wa Ta’ala. So it is revealed: “Inna alaina lal huda.” It means: “Surely, the responsibility of showing the right way rests on me”. –(Sura Lail, verse 12). Hence, it can only be learned from the Holy Qur’an –the last revealed book. In fact, the whole point in revealing the Holy Qur’an is to show the right way to mankind. Otherwise, humans can’t escape hellfire.

One cannot reach the destination of the journey if any part of the road remains un-navigated. But, the Muslims show little interest to rightly know and fully follow this Divine road. Khilafah, sharia, jihad, rule by shura, pan-Islamic brotherhood, and unity are inseparable parts of the road map. But they have abandoned these parts of the road map long ago. They dismantled 1300-year-old Khilafah and discarded its concept. Instead, in the name of different languages, regions, tribes, ethnicity, and ideas they have divided the Muslim land into 57 chicken states. A chicken can be easily caught and killed even by a child. On the other hand, even a big lion dare not touch a huge elephant. A lion understands that its sharp teeth can’t go much deeper than the thick skin of an elephant; hence can never touch any of its vital organs. Rather chances of being trumpeted under the feet of the elephant are quite high. This is why the fate of a chicken state is extremely vulnerable. In 1757, Bengal –the richest state of India was easily captured by a small battalion of private soldiers of a British business company called East India Company. The British Royal Army didn’t need to engage in that war. Whereas the British Empire’s own army didn’t dare touch the elephant state of Osmania Khilafah even in its heydays. The same amount of vulnerability even exists today for each of the 57 chicken states of the Muslim world. Israel could easily defeat and occupy a huge chunk of land of Egypt, Jordan, and Syria only in few hours in 1967. The current geopolitical map of the Muslim world with 57 Muslim states was created by the imperialists only to feed their own greed for more Muslims’ lands, lives and wealth.


The prison cells

In a true sense, Muslims are now living in prison-cell-like states. Each cell represents each of the nation-states. Like a prison cell, these nation-states too, have their fortified walls. Any attempt to break or cross the wall is a punishable crime. The rulers are little more than jailors. Their main job is to ensure sustained captivity of the inmates of the cells. If any men and women are tortured to death or burnt alive in one cell, the prisoners of other cells can’t help the victims -at best they can silently watch. Hence, the Muslims of the neighboring Egypt, Jordan, and Lebanon can’t help their blood-bathed Muslim brothers and sisters of Palestine. They could only watch the brutal deaths of the children and women there. They were successfully barred from fulfilling their obligation of protecting them. In the days of Khilafah, the situation was altogether different. They didn’t have any Rafah Crossing-like barriers in the midst. Hence, the people from one part of the ummah could easily reach the other parts to defend their persecuted brothers and sisters. The Kurds, Turks, Iranians, Egyptians, and others could freely join the battle against the Crusaders. But now such freedom has been snatched away in the name of so-called nation identities.

Any disobedience or betrayal of Allah Subhana wa Ta’ala’s order is a major sin. “Don’t get disintegrated (la tafarraqu)” is Allah Subhana wa Ta’ala’s command –(Sura Al Imran, verse 103). But such clear a command has been flatly betrayed by the Muslims. Every betrayal of Almighty’s order is a major sin. Hence, it is a great sin to be divided and disintegrated. Such a sin doesn’t go unpunished. It does not need to be an idol worshipper to bring down Allah Subhana wa Ta’ala’s wrath. Disunity is enough to cause that. To warn on such dreadful consequence, Allah Subhana wa Ta’ala revealed, “And be not as those who disintegrated and made differences among themselves after the clear proofs had come to them. It is they for whom there is an awful torment.”–(Sura Al Imran, verse 105).

Therefore, wherever there is disunity among Muslims, there comes punishment from Allah Subhana wa Ta’ala. The creation of 57 national and tribal states is a clear display of disunity and betrayal of His order. As result, 2 million people of Gaza are abandoned by 1.5 billion Muslims. The responsibility of defending these defenseless people has been put on the shoulder of few thousand Hamas fighters. 1.5 billion Muslims have turned into silent watchers!  Many people find complacence by giving some charity. The past glory of the Muslims was not built on mere charities. They needed to make a united front against enemies and engage in jihad. But now, none of these exists. Is it not enough to bring the wrath of Allah Subhana wa Ta’ala on them? Defending independence is the most costly job. Even the rich European countries like German, England, or France could not do the job on their own, hence forged an alliance. For them, such unity was not a religious obligation, rather considered a political necessity. But in Islam, forging unity is not politics, rather a religious obligation.


Celebrating the disunity

The creation of 57 national and tribal states in the Muslim World was aimed at dismantling the bondage of the Islamic brotherhood of the Muslim ummah and giving sustenance to the state of powerlessness. The Israeli attack on Gaza has already exposed that. No amount of dowa, building mosques and madrasa or economic progress in the Muslim world can undo such powerlessness. If the per capita income of these disunited states reaches 100 times higher than that of Israel, will not enhance their defense strength. The prison population may increase by billions, but such an increase in number does not enhance their strength. Even a single free man is stronger than millions of caged men and women. The same is true with 1.5 billion Muslims living in 57 prison-cell-like states. In the past, only a few million Muslims could build the most powerful state on earth. But now, even 1.5 billion Muslims cannot defend their own women and children. Even 60 million British or 65 million French possess more power than these 1.5 billion Muslims. Seven million Israelis are stronger than 300 million Arabs. Such weakness of the Muslims owes to their captivity within the borders of the prison states. Such division was non-existent in the golden days of Islam. The early Muslims didn’t have oil or gas but had true belief and unity. They celebrated unity and detested disunity. But now they are practicing the exact opposite. Celebrating the disintegration of the Muslim ummah and the creation of these new states in various names has been the most important element of political culture in each of these 22 Arab states. They raise armies, make huge budgetary sanctions and make alliances even with the non-Muslims to defend such disintegration.


The infrastructure of failure

Muslims all over the world are experiencing a phenomenon of sustained failure. There is no sign of recovery. The disintegration of Muslim ummah into 57 nation-states is indeed the perfect infrastructure of such sustained failure. This infrastructure was raised in Muslim lands by the imperialist enemies to keep the Muslims disconnected. The USA, the European Union, and other hostile countries want to protect this infrastructure by any means. The reason is understandable. Sustenance of dominance over the Muslim countries and exploitation of their resources depend on it. The same infrastructure is helping the Israeli army to keep Palestine under full occupation. Former Iraqi President Saddam became the enemy of these imperialists only when he touched one of the pillars of the divisive infrastructure by occupying Kuwait. Armies all over the world were mobilized to put the pillar in its place again.

Disunity has its own fertile breeding ground. Nationalism, tribalism, racism, regionalism, and religious ferkaism are its perfect recipe. National and tribal states are the infrastructure to keep such division alive. Each of these states boasts itself as the best on earth and spread hatred against others. The Europeans have already tasted the curse of nation-states; hence have merged into European Union. Germany, the UK, Italy, France, and others nation-states caused more than 70 million deaths in two World Wars. The crime of the Muslim nation-states is awful too. They have caused a divided geopolitical map to the Ummah that makes it impossible to defend against the enemy aggression. Prisoners can’t forge any unity. For that, they need to come out of the prisons first. The captive Muslims living in 57 nation-states with the infrastructure of state-built barriers tried to form a unity in the past but failed. The Organisation of Islamic Co-operation, the Arab League, and the Gulf Council only could make the history of failures.


The betrayal

The people of Palestine have little choice. They cannot solve their problem alone. How such a small population can fight the most powerful state of the Middle East. In a true sense, Israel is nothing but the extension of the USA and also of the European Union. Therefore, fighting against Israel means fighting against the USA and the EU. Moreover, Muslim countries like Egypt, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Bahrain, Morocco, Sudan, and Jordan stand more committed to the security of Israel than the liberation of Palestinians. Because the foreign policy of these dependent states is decided in the White House. Hence pleasing Israel gets preference. What a shame that the Grand Sheikh of Saudi Arabia has given a fatwa against joining a demonstration against Israel. The Egyptian media have gone to the extent that they condemn Hamas for its resistance against Israel. However, the people of Gaza did their job bravely and marvelously. A very few in the world can think of fighting such an asymmetrical war.

It is a pity that the occupation of Jerusalem -the first kibla gets labeled as a Palestinian issue even by the leaders of Muslim countries. Is it not a betrayal of a purely Islamic issue? Awfully, the Ummah is engaged in that betrayal. Salahuddin Ayyubi was not a Palestinian. He was a Kurd. But he fought the fiercest battle in history against the Crusaders. Even today, ending the Israeli occupation does not lie in the hand of Palestinians. The whole ummah must come forward. For that, it needs gross structural changes of the Muslim world. Their problem lies in their divisive geopolitical map. If the current geopolitical map of national and tribal states survives in the Muslim world, no amount of sacrifice of Palestinians can defeat Israeli aggression. They couldn’t free even an inch of land from Israeli occupation in the last 72 years; rather have lost a larger chunk. If the Muslims do not dismantle the existing infrastructure of disunity, distrust, and weakness, even in the next hundred years, they will achieve nothing. Rather, there may suffer more occupation. In the Holy Qur’an, it has been already warned: “Allah Subhana wa Ta’ala never changes the fate of a people unless they change themselves”. And the change must start by moving from disunity to unity, from kufr law to sharia law, from nation-states to khelafa and from fighting in ethnic or national cause to jihad in the way of Allah Subhana wa Ta’ala.


 Khilafah: the Divine infrastructure of unity and strength

 Allah Subhana wa Ta’ala has His own prescription for Muslims’ political unity and victory. It is through khelafaKhilafah is Islam’s own way to raise the Muslims as the unified political, cultural, and civilization force, and to establish Islam as the overwhelming faith all over the world. It is Islam’s sole political infrastructure to dismantle all tribal, ethnic, nationalistic, linguistic barriers and to raise Muslims as a solidified global Ummah. Hence if khilafah disappears, the Muslims no more exist as Ummah: rather emerge as tribally, nationally or regionally divided states. In fact, such division in ummah is a clear deviation from the Prophet’s (peace be upon him) roadmap. Hence these are bid’a -ill-intended innovations to harm the ummah. Under the Khilafah the Arab, the Kurd, the Turk, the Persians, the Moor, the Afghans, the Barber, the Balkans, the Somalis, and others could peacefully co-exist and prosper in any part of the Muslim World. They could travel thousands of miles without any visa or fear of persecution. Makka, Madina, Damascus, Baghdad, Cairo, Istanbul, Alexandra, Aleppo, and other Muslim cities could emerge as multi-ethnic cosmopolitans. Before Islam, such peaceful co-existence was unknown in the vast swath of land.

Khilafah survived as an institution for about 1300 years. For the last 90 years, the Muslims have no khalifa. With the destruction of Khilafah, scores of national and tribal states emerged on their deathbed and gave birth to an infrastructure of disunity, fratricidal warfare, and decadence. Secular infrastructure has its own in-built anti-Islamic agenda. With a secular infrastructure in place, if the most pious man of the country is placed as the head of the government, he can seldom deliver any meaningful service to Islam and Muslims. Rather the un-Islamic laws, the secular judges, the interest-based banks, the secular education, the corruptive culture, and the state-protected institution of adultery like prostitution will continue to inflict lethal blows to the moral and spiritual health of the Muslims.

In such an anti-Islamic milieu, a pious man will be politically, ideologically and culturally incompatible and fully ineffective. Hence, the prophet of Islam (peace be upon him) brought an infrastructural revolution in pre-Islamic statecraft. If the state infrastructure of khilafah based on jihad, sharia, jizya, pan-Islamic brotherhood, unity, and Islamic education get firmly installed, even some incompetent khalifa cannot do great damage to the ummah. Islamic education, shariah, jihad and jijiyah and many other Qur’anic prescriptions can still function. The state institutions still can function for the greater Islamic cause. Most of the Umaiyya, Abbasiayya, Ayubi, and Osmani khalifas were much inferior to the standard of khulafa-e-rasheda. But still, they could do a great service to Islam and the Muslims. They fought against the enemies, protected the lives and honour of the Muslims, and gained huge geographical land for the ummah. It was the blessing of khelafah that the founders of Israel weren’t given a chance to establish such a cancerous state. 


The coalition

The enemies of Islam are not divided. They consider khilafa as their common enemy; hence formed a coalition against its emergence. Only at the time of the Mongol invasion under Halaku Khan, Muslims did not have any khalifa. In such a void, the Muslims did not offer jumma prayer. Khilafah is such a crucial institution that the Muslims even in those tragic days didn’t do delay in resurrecting it. Khilafah was finally dismantled in 1924 by the nationalists, secularists, atheists, and imperialist enemies of Islam. Even today, the Muslim World is still under the occupation of the same enemies. In the Arab countries, new enemies of khilafa are also installed by the imperialists as sheiks, ameers, kings, and military autocrats like General Sisi of Egypt. These enemies of Islam are not only against the resurrection of khilafah, but also against the resurrection of any fundamental tenants of Islam like sharia, jihad, jijiyah and pan-Islamic brotherhood. They call these basic beliefs as extremist views of Islam. But they conveniently forget they these were the views and practices of the prophet of Islam, too. The rightly guided companions of the prophet (peace be upon him) also practiced these teachings. Ironically, many Islamists also hold similar secular views. Instead of Allah Subhana wa Ta’ala, fear of the USA and other powers has more dominance on these Islamists. But, to adhere to the Qur’anic road map do the believers need any permission from these enemies?

The believing Muslims are eagerly waiting for the return of khelafa for 90 years. The Muslim World has produced a lot of rulers, but no khalifa.  It is a calamitous huge void in Muslim polity. As if, millions of Muslims are waiting for prayer, but there is no imam!  Khilafah is such an important issue in Islam that the Indian Muslims launched the largest mass movement in the early twentieth century to resurrect khalifa. It was indeed the first political mass movement in Indian history. Later on, the de-Islamisation project of the secularists killed such an Islamic spirit. It is the riskiest job in the world; therefore, very few will have the courage to stand for khalifa. The USA will announce millions of dollars to get his decapitated head and will definitely send the drone to kill him. They have already started bombing the northern cities of Iraq to prevent the emergence of any khelafa state there. All the secularists, socialists, nationalists, racists, monarchists, and atheists have already launched toxic propaganda against such Islamic projects. Almost all of the Arab kings, sheikhs, ameers, and autocrats will be ready to send their armies to the borders of the potential khelefa state. In such a political milieu, the contemporary khalifa must have some exceptional courage. He must be a frontline fighter and ever ready to be a shaheed. A ruler with a love for duniya and little commitment to jihad cannot think of such a job.


The turning point

The people of Gaza have made huge and horrific sacrifices. Such sacrifices never go unnoticed in the sight of Allah Subhana wa Ta’ala. The ultimate winner in war is not decided on earth; rather in heaven. Allah Subhana wa Ta’ala never takes the side of unjust killers. Hence Pharaoh and his huge army couldn’t survive, but unarmed Hazrat Musa (AS) and his people prevailed. For the same reasons, world power like the USSR and the USA couldn’t win the long war against the poor Afghan jihadists. The deaths of hundreds of innocent children, men, and women can do miracles against Israel. Millions of Muslims have seen with their own eyes how innocent children have been slaughtered by the Israeli Army. They have seen how the mosques, schools, hospitals, and houses have been flattened. Horrific deaths of the innocents may not have any impact on dead souls but will boil the blood of the believers. The blood of martyrs never goes in vain; rather transfuses strong iman and bondage of brotherhood into the souls of the survivors. Islam thus gets new life after each Karbala. To build a new infrastructure of brotherhood, the Muslims have already started dismantling the so-called divisive national, tribal, and linguistic identities.

Enemy’s war always brings death and destruction. It brings new opportunities too. The kuffars of Arabia caused deaths to more than 60 percent of the companions of the prophet (peace be upon him). But their blood didn’t go in vain; rather made the Muslims the most powerful ummah on earth. Such a huge investment of blood in Allah Subhana wa Ta’ala’s way brings huge blessings from Him. And if Allah Subhana wa Ta’ala helps, who else on earth can defeat them? Israel is not stronger than Soviet Russia. The Soviet Socialist Republic of Russia had a thousand times more missiles and nuclear warheads than Israel but still couldn’t survive on the world map. Jihad in Afghanistan caused its ultimate collapse. The USA too had to withdraw from Afghanistan with humiliation after 20 years of war against Taleban. Israel is not stronger than the USA either. Allah Subhana wa Ta’ala takes a side with Jihad: it is His own promise in the Holy Qur’an. Hence jihad is always invincible. Hence the key to winning a war is to turn it into a Holy jihad. The USSR and the USA have already tasted the lesson. The secularists of Fatah or PLO, the Egyptian, and the Syrian Army couldn’t stand even for a week against the Israeli Army. But the jihadists of Hamas could stand for 50 days in 2014. Unlike PLO or Fatah, Hamas could transform a secular war into a Holy jihad. This is their greatest success. And when Jihad starts, it starts to bring Allah’s assistance too.

The Holy jihad is no more limited to Afghanistan, Iraq, Palestine, or Chechnya. The whole Muslim world is now quickly changing to be the field of jihad. Jihad is a faith-based war, and faith has no geographical boundary. Hence, when jihad spreads, the geographical boundary of the nation-states also starts melting. Jihad creates great warriors and builds people’s great morality and taqwa. It brings spiritual and moral revolution. It brings political revolution too. Islam produced its greatest people from the field of jihad; not from any college, university, or Sufi khanqa.  Now the ummah has reached a new state. In Europe, the nation-states have lost its attraction. They have merged into European Union –on the way to form the United State of Europe. Establishing khelafah –the pan-Islamic state of the Muslim ummah is no more a wish of a few. Thousands of jihadists from all over the world are now ready to fight and sacrifice their lives for it. Israel can bomb all over Gaza. But, can they bomb the whole of the Muslim World? Even the USA and its ally do not have the capacity to do that. Hence, the people of Palestine can find some new hope. The Muslim World is moving fast towards that turning point. 1st edition 09/08/2014; 2nd edition 13/07/2021

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A Palestinian civil defence member stands near a building on fire that was hit by …

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