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Ref: ACJU/NGS/2024/382
2024.09.23 (1446.03.19)

The All Ceylon Jamiyyathul Ulama (ACJU), Council of Islamic Religious Scholars, extend its heartfelt congratulations to Your Excellency Anura Kumara Dissanayake, on being democratically elected as the 09th Executive President of Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka.

This significant achievement is a testament to the trust and confidence that the people of our Motherland have placed in your leadership. As one of the oldest democratic countries of Asia, it is significant to note that the citizens, have exercised the democratic right to elect its leader in a free and fair democratic manner.

The ACJU Executive Committee, Islamic Religious Scholars and the Muslim community of Sri Lanka, sincerely prays that your tenure will be marked by peace, prosperity, and unity for all citizens.

It is reported in a narration that Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon Him) said: “The best of your rulers are those whom you love and who love you …”

The ACJU also believes that, under your leadership, the values of justice, compassion, and inclusivity will be upheld, fostering a society where people of all faiths, Buddhists, Hindus, Muslims and Christians, can live together in harmony.

For over 100 years the ACJU, has always been actively involved in Islamic religious and social endeavors in this country. It has always worked closely with the legitimately elected Governments especially in efforts to strengthen unity and peaceful coexistence among the communities and to promote the well-being of our beloved nation and its people.

May Almighty Allah through His Divine Grace, bless you and your team with Guidance, Wisdom and Strength to lead this Nation towards a bright and prosperous future.

Mufti M.I.M. Rizwe

Ash-Shaikh M. Arkam Nooramith
General Secretary

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