
Caravan Fresh supports OrphanCare with every loaf of bread sold

COLOMBO : OrphanCare is honoured to announce its latest partnership with Caravan Fresh, a leading chain of bakery and patisserie shops, to support OrphanCare’s programme on supporting orphan children avoid a second abandonment as they leave their care homes at the age of 18.

As a part of this partnership, Caravan Fresh will donate Rs 10 for every 550g sliced bread sold, directly supporting OrphanCare’s mission. This contribution will play a vital role in creating opportunities for orphaned children, facilitating access to education, skills development and a brighter future. This partnership between Caravan Fresh and OrphanCare is a commendable move, showcasing Caravan Fresh’s dedication to furthering the Trust’s efforts in empowering orphan youth.

Commenting on the partnership, Caravan’s General Manager, Arumugam Pathmanathan stated, “The heart of Caravan Fresh lies not just in baking delicious bread and savouries but in enriching our community. Partnering with OrphanCare allows us to contribute to a cause that resonates deeply with our values of compassion and community engagement. Every customer who purchases a sliced bread from our counters is making a tangible difference in the lives of these young individuals.”

Expressing his enthusiasm on the partnership, Head of OrphanCare, Azad Zaheed stated, “At OrphanCare, our mission is to create a nurturing environment where orphaned children can avoid a second abandonment. We are profoundly grateful for the generous support from Caravan Fresh, where together we aspire to touch the lives of these children and offer them promising future.”

Established in 2019 as an independent trust, the OprhanCare programme has focused on a series of welfare activities to secure the future of orphans once they reach the age of 18, the age at which they are compelled to leave institutional child care. In this manner, the OrphanCare programme seeks to address Goal 10 of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) – “Reduced Inequalities”. As a foundational principle that defines the essence and identity of the trust, OrphanCare ensures every monetary donation received by the trust is allocated to orphan’s accounts while Amãna Bank as the ‘Founding Sponsor’ continues to bear all operating and administrative costs of the trust.  The OrphanCare Trust is administered by a team of trustees who have a track record of passionate social service and have instituted a strong governance framework to maintain the highest standards of integrity and ensure the long-term sustainability of the Trust. To learn more about OrphanCare and explore partnership opportunities, please visit www.orphancare.org or contact 011 775 6 775.

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