
This book was published by the Dr. A.M.A. Azeez Foundation in 2013 to portray his early life and tributes from different perspectives, which was edited by S.H.M. Jameel and M. Ali Azeez. It was released at his commemoration meeting on 4th October, 2013

A profile of Dr. A.M.A. Azeez gives a brief history of his life and achievements.

Childhood Memories are written by his daughter, Mrs. Marina Ismail, which gives an insight to his early life in Jaffna.

S.H.M Jameel’s essay gives details of Dr. Azeez’s great achievement, if not his greatest, in the accelerated food production programme in the Kalmunai District, to overcome food shortages and starvation during World War Two. His article also shows Azeez’s close friendship with Swami Vipulananda and the Poet Abdul Cader Lebbe.

Two Tamil poems by Abdul Cader Lebbe as tributes to Dr. Azeez, one after his demise, are reproduced in the publication.

A grateful student of Dr. Azeez, Prof. K. Sivathamby, remembers him in his article portraying his contribution to the community in every sphere.

Dr. Azeez’s students, Desamanya M.T.A. Furkhan and A.G.A. Barrie, have paid glowing tributes in their articles.

A great honour was bestowed on Dr. Azeez by the Institute of Objective Studies in India, by including him as the only Sri Lankan, in their publication in 2005, “100 Great Muslim Leaders of the 20th Century”. The article is reproduced in this book.

Dr. M.A.M. Shukri’s Oration in 1990 on Dr. Azeez’s Contribution to Education and Scholarship, a comprehensive analysis, is reproduced in the publication.

Mr. Susil Sirivardana’s Oration in 2009 on Dr. Azeez as an Iconic Nation Builder is reproduced, which is an excellent tribute.

The publication contains138 pages and 40 photographs. It also includes 26 covers of books authored by Dr. Azeez, on Dr. Azeez by others and published by the Dr. A.M.A. Azeez Foundation.

(The book is available for sale at the Dr. A.M.A. Azeez Foundation office).

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