Jamiah NaleemiahMosque Tours Sri LankaNaleemiah Institute

Open Campus Day- Mosque Tour Event at Naleemiah Institute

CHINA FORT The historic “Open Campus Day and Mosque Tour”event was held from 8:30 AM to 5:00 PM on  23th July 2024, within the premises of Naleemiah Institute of Islamic Studies. The event is believed to play a crucial role in fostering interfaith coexistence and social cohesion in a multi-ethnic and multi-religious country like Sri Lanka.

Organised by Salam Centre for Peace and Dialogue, a wing of Jamiah Naleemiah, in collaboration with the Centre for Islamic Studies – Harmony Center, the event drew over 300 participants from other faiths.

The inaugural ceremony of the event was presided over by the Rector of Jamiah Naleemiah, Ustadh A.C. Agar Mohamed. The Director of the Department of Muslim Religious and Cultural Affairs graced the occasion as the chief guest, while the Beruwala Divisional Secretary was the special guest.

Many dignitaries, including the Chief Incumbents and Trustees of Buddhist temples in Beruwala area, church fathers, Ulama, Principals, Police Officers, Municipal Council Officials, Hospital Authorities, Health Officials, Grama Niladharis, and Heads of Organisations working for interfaith harmony participated in the event.

8At the inaugural ceremony, Ustadh A.C. Agar Mohamed,  the Rector of Naleemiah delivered the welcome address and the speech. This was followed by a screening of a video documentary about the institute. A talk was given by Rev. Ahangama Maithri Moorthi, the Coordinator of Buddhist Affairs at Beruwala Divisional Secretariat. Next, an introductory talk on the Open Mosque programme was delivered by the lead mosque tour guide Ash-sheikh Muneer Mullaffar. Following that, the Director of the Department of Muslim Religious and Cultural Affairs and the Chief Guest of the inaugural ceremony, M.H.A.M. Riflan, delivered the chief guest address. The inaugural ceremony concluded with a vote of thanks by Dr. A.P.M. Abbas, Senior Lecturer of Naleemiah Institute.

Following the opening ceremony, the dignitaries were invited to the campus mosque tour. They were explained about Muslim prayers and other acts of worship, and a brief overview of Muslims’ customs, traditions, and cultural aspects also were provided. Subsequently, a campus tour was also conducted.

More details and Mosque Tours Visit   www.ceylonmosque.lk

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