Inheritance According To Islamic Sharia Law – by Fazli Sameer

When a believer dies it becomes incumbent on the family members to ensure that the wealth and property left behind are distributed according to Shariah Law prescribed in the Qur’an and Authentic Sunnah. After meeting the initial expenses incurred in giving the deceased an Islamic burial, and, after paying all of his debts and the “mahar” (dowry) that may still be due, to his wife, up to one-third of the remaining may be expended according to the deceased dying wishes or legal will that is left behind, for those who are NOT entitled by Shariah only.

The remainder must be distributed to all the legal heirs as defined by Qur’an and Authentic Sunnah as detailed hereunder.

Zakat payments, if any, that are due by the deceased must be paid even before the settlements of the debts and even before the burial expenses are utilized from the property of the deceased.

Ten groups amongst Male Heirs are entitled as follows:

  1. son;
  2. son’s son
  3. father;
  4. father’s father;
  5. brother;*

– half brother*

– step brother*

  1. brother’s son;

half brother’s son;

  1. father’s brother;

father’s half – brother;

  1. son of father’s brother;

son of father’s half – brother;

  1. husband
  2. The freed male slave.

*(children of one father and one mother are referred to as brothers/sisters)

*(children of a father through different mothers as half – brothers/ half – sisters)

*(children of a mother and through different fathers as step –brother / step – sister)

Seven groups amongst Female Heirs are entitled as follows:

  1. daughter
  2. son’s daughter;
  3. mother;
  4. grandmother;
  1. sister;
  2. wife
  3. freed slave – girl


If none of the seventeen groups of people mentioned above is alive his wealth wil be distributed among his Arham, i.e., non- inheriting relations.

Eleven groups of Heirs come under the class of Arham:

  1. children of daughter;
  2. children of sister;
  3. brother’s daughter;
  4. daughter of father’s younger or elder brother;
  5. father’s step brother;
  6. maternal uncle;
  1. mother’s sister;
  2. father’s sister;
  3. mother’s father;
  4. mother’s father’s mother;
  5. children of mother’s sister.


There are six fractions of shares mentioned in the Quran: viz;

2/3, 1/2, 1/4, 1/8, 1/3, 1/6.

The 2/3 share is

  1. for two or more daughters;
  2. for two or more son’s daughters;
  3. for two or more sisters;
  4. for two or more half- sister;

The 1/3 share is

  1. for two or more of mother’s children;
  2. for the mother in the absence of child, or son’s child or two or more brothers or sisters;
  3. some times for the grand father when there are brothers and sisters,

The 1/2 share is

  1. For one of the four sets of females mentioned above when she is alone.
  2. for the husband when his wife leaves no issue.

The 1/4 share is

  1. for the husband when the wife leaves children;
  2. for the wife when the husband leaves no children

The 1/8 share is

  1. for the wife when her husband leaves children

The 1/6 share is

  1. for the father when the deceased leaves children;
  2. for the grandfather;
  3. for the mother when the deceased leaves children or two or more brothers and sisters;
  4. for the grandmother when the deceased leaves children or two or more brothers and sisters;
  5. for the son’s daughter when the deceased has one daughter;
  6. for one or more half – sisters when there is a sister
  7. for two or mother’s children;

When a father and spouse are alive, after assigning the respective shares due to them, One Third of the Remainder will be assigned to the mother.

The portion assigned to the wife has to be shared equally by two or three of four wives.


Disentitlement of inheritance

Those who are closet in relation ship to the deceased will disentitle others who are distantly related.

  1. The son disentitles the son’s children
  2. The father disentitles the grand father;
  3. The mother disentitles her mother;
  4. A father and mother disentitle the father’s mother
  5. The father and/or the son disentitled the brother
  6. These three (father, son, brother) disentitle the half brother
  7. The father, grandfather, and children disentitle the step – brother.
  8. The father, the grandfather, the son, the son’s son, the brother, the half- brother, disentitle the brother’s son.
  9. The above seven persons disentitle the son of the half- brother
  10. The above eight persons disentitle the brother of the father.
  11. The above nine persons disentitle the half- brother of the father
  12. The above ten persons disentitle the son of a half-brother of the father.

An ‘Asaba*, i.e an agnate, gets into possession of that portion of a deceased’s wealth that is left over after the appropriate shares have been paid. He gets possession of the entire wealth when there are no others entitled to the deceased’s wealth.

An ‘Asaba is a son, son’s son, father, father’s father, brother, half brother, their sons, a brother of the father or his sons.

Next to an Asaba as inheritor is the male freed slave and the male issue of his Asaba.

If there are males as well as females among those that cannot disentitle each other, the males will get two shares each while the females get one share each. *Asaba – male relation on the paternal side.

There are four means of inheritance

  1. Inheritance by lineage
  2. inheritance by marriage ties
  3. inheritance by a slave obtaining freedom
  4. Inheritance by a public body or establishment like the Baitul Mal or Treasury.

There are four means by which inheritance may be lost.

  1. The inheritor having any connection (even indirectly) with the cause of the death of the person whose heir he is
  2. his becoming a Kafir
  3. his becoming a slave
  4. Uncertainty as to who died earlier.

A son’s son is like son, but he will not get the ratio of 2:1 with the daughter (of the deceased) .

A mother’s mother and a father’s mother are like a mother, but they will have no claim to one third of the wealth. The share of these two will always be one sixth.

A father’s father is like a father, but he will not disentitle the brothers. He will get his share together with the brothers.

A son’s daughter is like a daughter, but she will be disentitled by the son.

A half- brother is like a bother but he will not get the ratio of 2:1 with a sister.



Al-QURAN – CHAPTER 4 – Al-Nissa – Verses 11,12 & 176

4:11   Allah commands you as regards your children (inheritance),

To the MALE, a portion equal to that of TWO FEMALES;

If (there are) only DAUGHTERS, two or more, their share is TWO-THIRDS of the inheritance;

If only one, her share is HALF.

For PARENTS, a SIXTH share of inheritance to EACH if the deceased left CHILDREN;

If NO CHILDREN, and the PARENTS are the (ONLY) heirs, the MOTHER has a THIRD;

If the deceased left BROTHERS or (SISTERS), the MOTHER has a SIXTH.

(The distribution in all cases is) after the payment of legacies he may have bequeathed or debts. You know not which of them, whether your parents or your children are nearest to you in benefit. (these fixed shares) are ordained by Allah. And Allah is Ever All-Knower, All-Wise.

4:12   In that which your WIVES leave, your share is a HALF if they have NO CHILD;

But if they leave a CHILD you get a FOURTH of that which they leave after payment of legacies that they may have bequeathed or debts.

In that which YOU leave, their (YOUR WIVES) share is a FOURTH if you have NO CHILD;

But if you leave a CHILD they get an EIGHTH of that which you leave after payment of legacies that you may have bequeathed or debts.

If the MAN or WOMAN whose inheritance is in question has left NEITHER ASCENDANTS NOR DESCENDANTS (Al-Khalala), but has left a BROTHER or a SISTER, EACH ONE of the two gets a SIXTH; but if MORE THAN TWO, they share in a THIRD; after payment of legacies he (or she) may have bequeathed or debts, so that no loss is caused (to anyone).

THIS IS A COMMANDMENT FROM ALLAH; And Allah is Ever All-Knowing, Most-Forebearing.

4:176 They ask you for a legal verdict, Say, “Allah directs (thus) about Al-Khalala (those who leave neither ascendants nor descendants as heirs).

If it is a MAN that dies, leaving A SISTER but NO CHILD, SHE shall have HALF the inheritance.

If (such a deceased was) a woman, who left NO CHILD, her BROTHER takes her INHERITANCE.

If there are TWO SISTERS, they shall have TWO-THIRDS of the inheritance;

If there are BROTHERS and SISTERS, the male will have TWICE the share of the female.

(Thus) does Allah make clear to you (His Law) lest you go astray. And Allah is the All-Knower of everything.

Note: 4:12 refers to UTERINE (same mother, diff father) siblings while 4:176 refers to FULL (same father and mother) or CONSANGUINE (same father diff mother)  siblings


The primary (or immediate) heirs classified as Level I are:-

1.         The SPOUSE (Husband or a maximum of four Wives)

2.         The CHILDREN (Sons and Daughters)

3.         The PARENTS (Father & Mother)

4.         The GRANDCHILDREN (Sons’s SON or Son’s DAUGHTER only)

(applicable only when the SON is already deceased only and has offspring)


The secondary heirs classified as Level II are:-

1.         The GRANDPARENTS (Paternal and Maternal)

2.         The BROTHERS and/or SISTERS (In the absence of Father and Son ONLY)

3.         The UNCLES and/or AUNTS (In the absence of Grandparents ONLY)

4.         The NEPHEWS and/or NIECES (In the absence of Brothers and Sisters ONLY)

Note: It is not practical to go beyond Grandparents as the chances of Greatgrandparents surviving before you is not very high. However, the logic is that in the absence of a particular heir, the next level becomes eligible for inheritance. Eg; IF the Grandparents are dead THEN the Great Grandparents are entitled (if living only) and so on. It is better, for practicality and convenience to limit the inheritance level up to The GrandParents and the Grandchildren. If we attempt to go beyond these levels there will be no limit to the program logic validation.

Under Islamic Law, the primary beneficiaries of a deceased person are his/her IMMEDIATE (Level I) Heirs. ie; Spouse(s), Children, Parents and Grandchildren (if children are deceased only). The Grandchildren that are entitled are only the Son’s Son or the Son’s Daughter. Daughters children are not entitled even if the Daughter is deceased.

In the absence of some or all of these heirs the secondary beneficiaries (Level II) become Heirs under various conditions. In the absence of a particular Heir (eg; Uncle) if and when he/she is entitled the children of that Heir become eligible.

LEVEL I – Inheritance Logic:


IF NO ENTITLED DESCENDANTS EXIST (ie; Children/Grandchildren)



IF ENTITLED DESCENDANTS EXIST (ie; Children/Grandchildren)



Note: ENTITLED DESCENDANTS = Sons, Daughters, Son’s Son, & Son’s Daughter. Daughter’s children are NOT treated as entitled descendants.


2.         SHARE OF WIFE

IF NO ENTITLED DESCENDANTS EXIST (ie; Children/Grandchildren)


WIFE = 1/4

IF ENTITLED DESCENDANTS EXIST (ie; Children/Grandchildren)


WIFE = 1/8

Note: ENTITLED DESCENDANTS = Sons, Daughters, Son’s Son, & Son’s Daughter. Daughter’s children are NOT treated as entitled descendants.


3.         SHARE OF DAUGHTER’(s)







(to be shared equally between all of them)




4.         SHARE OF FATHER


(Sons, Daughters, Son’s Sons, Son’s Daughters)


FATHER = 1/6



FATHER = 1/6  plus Residue

(residue = remainder after all legal shares are distributed)



FATHER = Residue


5.         SHARE OF MOTHER



MOTHER = 1/6





MOTHER = 1/3



MOTHER = 1/3 of Residue

6.         UTERINE BROTHER/SISTER ( from same Mother, different father)




(Father/Father’s Father etc)






(Father/Father’s Father etc.)



Note: If there are UTERINE Brothers/Sisters IN ADDITION to FULL Brothers/Sisters (same father/mother), then they share in the residue.












(ie Son’s SON share: Son’s DAUGHTER share = 2:1)







SON’S DAUGHTERS = 2/3 (equally between them)




(ie Son’s SON share: Son’s DAUGHTER share = 2:1)


(Full Brother/Sisters are brothers/sisters from the same FATHER & MOTHER)

Brothers & Sisters inherit ONLY when there are NO Descendants (Son/Sons, Son’s son

etc.) and NO Ascendants (Father/Grandfather etc.)

The arabic word “AL-KHALALA” is used in the Quran, Chapter 4 – Al-Nisa, Verses 12 & 176,            which is translated by almost all the translators of the Quran to mean “Ascendants &       Descendants” thus giving rise to the interpretation that they include “Parents and Children”. However, many scholars have preferred to classify the word as meaning “Father or Son” thus             excluding the female components of both Ascendants and Descendants (mother & daughters).


(daughter, Son’s daughter etc.)


IF deceased was MALE,


FULL SISTER = 1/2 (if only ONE)



IF deceased was FEMALE,


FULL BROTHER = 1 (if only ONE)



FULL SISTERs = 2/3 (shared equally between them)

FULL BROTHER’s & SISTER’s (combination) = 2:1


(daughter, Son’s daughter etc.)


FULL SISTER = 1/6 (if only one)



FULL BROTHER = 1/6 (if only one)



FULL SISTERS & BROTHERS = 1/3 (share equally)

9.         CONSANGUINE SISTER (Sister from same Father but different Mother)

Consanguine Sisters inherit ONLY when there are NO SON’s or Son’s SON(s) AND NO FATHER AND NO FULL BROTHER.



CONSANGUINE SISTER (if only one) = 1/2

CONSANGUINE SISTER(s) (if two or more) = 2/3






True Grandmother is defined as the one whose line of connection with the deceased is NOT interrupted by a MALE between two FEMALES. They are entitled ONLY if the FATHER or MOTHER do not exist.

Eg;       Mother’s MOTHER, Father’s MOTHER

Father’s Father’s MOTHER, Mother’s Mother’s MOTHER



True Grandfather is the one whose line of connection with the deceased is NOT interrupted by a FEMALE between two MALES. They are entitled ONLY if the Father or Mother do not exist.

Eg;       Father’s FATHER

Father’s Father’s FATHER

Mother’s FATHER

Mother’s Father’s FATHER


TRUE GRANDFATHER = 1/6 + Residue IF FEMALE descendants exist

TRUE GRANDFATHER = Residue IF NO Male/Female descendants exist

12.       UNCLES & AUNTS (Father’s/Mother’s Brothers & Sisters)

Uncles and Aunts are ONLY entitled in the absence of GRANDPARENTS. This means that they will receive shares ONLY if there are NO Parents AND Grandparents because Grandparents do not inherit when the Parents are living. They will also NOT inherit if the children (or children’s children) of the deceased are living. Proportions here are also in the ratio of 2:1 for Male:Female.

13.       NEPHEWS & NIECES (Children of Brothers/Sisters)

Nephews and Nieces are ONLY entitled in the absence of Brothers and Sisters. This means that they take the shares of the Brothers/Sisters of the deceased in their absence. Hence a Nepew/Niece will receive what his/her parent (Brother/Siuster of the deceased) would have received if he/she was alive. They will also NOT inherit if the children (or children’s children) of the deceased are living. Proportions here are also 2:1 for Male:Female.

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  1. Dear Shiraz sir,


    My name is Mohammed Firoz and lives in Kerala, India.  I HAVE A DOUBT REGARDING MUSLIM PROPERTY INHERITANCE LAW

    My grand mother  HAJARA died in 1991 and she holds a property of 2 acres ( Which she inherited from her father).

    After her death, My great grant mother FATHIMA  ( My grand mothers mother) died in 1997. How ever  before her death my great grandmother gave her share of property which she got from my grand mother ( 1/4 of 2 acres=0.5 acres, as per sharia law) equally to all her grand children ( Consisting of My mother Zuhra, and her sister Rukiya, Brothers Sulaiman and Zalim)

    Now there is a property dispute in my family regarding the partition of the remaining 1.5 acre plot.

    According to Islamic sharia law, what will be my mother, Zuhra's share? Is she eligible for equal share of her brothers?

    If not what will be her share?

    Kindly give me an answer


    • Response to Mohammed Firoz who wrote on June 26 2014

      Your MOTHER and her BROTHERS/SISTERS will share the remaining 1.5 acres of your GRANDMOTHER's property where each male will receive twice the share of each female as follows:-

      ZUHRA = 1/6 of 1.5 acres = 0.25 acres

      RUKIYA = 1/6 of 1.5 acres = 0.25 acres

      SULAIMAN = 1/3 of 1.5 acres = 0.5 acres

      ZALIM = 1/3 of 1.5 acres = 0.5 acres

      Total = 0.25 + 0.25 + 0.5 + 0.5 = 1.5 acres

      Please note that your GREAT GRANDMOTHER should have inherited only 1/6 share from your GRANDMOTHER's property and NOT 1/4 share as you have stated. See Qur'anic Reference below:

      Al Qur'an Chapter 4:11   Allah commands you as regards your children (inheritance),

      To the MALE, a portion equal to that of TWO FEMALES;

      If (there are) only DAUGHTERS, two or more, their share is TWO-THIRDS of the inheritance;

      If only one, her share is HALF.

      For PARENTS, a SIXTH share of inheritance to EACH if the deceased left CHILDREN;

      If NO CHILDREN, and the PARENTS are the (ONLY) heirs, the MOTHER has a THIRD;

      If the deceased left BROTHERS or (SISTERS), the MOTHER has a SIXTH.

  2. Dear Fazli Sameer Saheb Assalamo-Alaikum!

    I request your guidance on heritance for the below mentioned scenarios.

    #1      A man died leaving 1 wife and 1 brother. 2 brothers and 2 sisters and both the parents died before him. Had no son, no daughter.

    #2      A man died leaving 2 son, 2 daughter. 1 wife, 3 brothers, 2 sisters, both the parents and 2 daughters died before him.

    #3      A man died leaving 1 wife, 3 sons, 5 daughters and 2 sisters. 1 brother, 2 sisters, both the parents died before him.

    May God bless you for your help!

    Thank you.

    • Response to Mohammad Siddiqui who wrote on June 26 2014

      Scenario #1: A man died leaving 1 wife and 1 brother. 2 brothers and 2 sisters and both the parents died before him. Had no son, no daughter.

      WIFE = 1/4 share (since the deceased had no children), Remainder = 3/4

      2 BROTHERS = 2/3 of 3/4 = 1/2 share (Each Brother gets 1/4 share)

      2 SISTERS = 1/3 of 3/4 = 1/4 share (Each Sister gets 1/8 share)

      Total = 1/4 + 1/2 + 1/4 = 4/4 = 1 (whole)

      Scenario #2: A man died leaving 2 son, 2 daughter. 1 wife, 3 brothers, 2 sisters, both the parents and 2 daughters died before him.

      WIFE = 1/8 share (since he had children), Remainder = 7/8

      2 SONS = 7/8 share (Each Son receives 7/16 share)

      3 BROTHERS = Nil (Siblings DO NOT inherit in the presence of SONS)

      2 SISTERS = Nil (Siblings DO NOT inherit in the presence of SONS)

      Total = 1/8 + 7/8 = 8/8 = 1 (whole

      Scenario #3: A man died leaving 1 wife, 3 sons, 5 daughters and 2 sisters. 1 brother, 2 sisters, both the parents died before him.

      WIFE = 1/8 share, remainder = 7/8

      3 SONS = 6/11 of 7/8 = 42/88 = 21/44 share (Each Son gets 7/44 share)

      5 DAUGHTERS = 5/11 of 7/8 = 35/88 share (Each Daughter gets 7/88 share)

      Total = 1/8 + 42/88 + 35/88 = 88/88 = 1 (whole)

      Allah Knows Best!

      • Thanks for your reply. There seems to be some confusion you understanding the scenario #1 & scenario #2. I'm sorry for not writing it clearly.

        Let me rewrite it.

        ~~Scenario #1: A man died leaving 1 wife and 1 brother ONLY. AND those who died before him are 2 brothers and 2 sisters and both the parents. Had no son, no daughter.

        ~~Scenario #2: A man died leaving 2 sons, 2 daughters ONLY. AND those who died before him are 1 wife, 3 brothers, 2 sisters, 2 daughters and both the parents.

        Jazak Allah Khair.

      • Scenario #1:

        WIFE = 1/4 share

        BROTHER = 3/4 share

        Scenario #2:

        2 SONS = 2/3 share (Each Son gets 1/3 Share)

        2 DAUGHTERS = 1/3 share (Each Daughter gets 1/6 Share)

        Allah Knows Best!

  3. You are doing a great service for Ummah by answering questions here.

    We are trying to sell our ancestral house plus adjoining land and distribute money as per Sharia amongst the heirs.

    Whole property was owned by our Grand Father.

    After the death of his first wife, Grand Father had married a widow, who had 1 son and 1 daughter from her first marriage. 

    1 son of second wife from her first marriage died in accident before the death of grand father and is survived by his wife.

    Grand Father had gifted lands adjoining to our ancestral house to his one real son and one real daughter in his life time which they used to build their houses.

    At the time of his death Grand Father was survived by his second wife, 1 brother , 7 sons and 5 daughters of his own and 1 son and 1 daugther of his second wife from her first marriage.

    After grand father's death, his brother, his second wife, 3 sons and 2 daughters have also died.

    Grand Father's brother is survived by his heirs.

    Grand Father's second wife's sister was alive at the time of her death but now she is also dead and does not have any heirs.

    Grand Father's second wife’s 1 daughter and 1 son's wife (from her first marriage) are still alive.

    One of the son who died, was not married so does not have any heirs.

    Other late sons' and daughters' surviving heirs are there.

    How the distribution should happen now?

    Jazak Allah Khair for your help.

    • Response to M A Siddiqui who wrote on June 20 2014

      First we have to take the situation that was present at the time of your Grandfathers death and who was remaining alive from the family at that time.

      SECOND WIFE = 1/4 share (since he had no children from his second wife)

      Remainder = 3/4

      7 SONS (all from first wife) = 14/19 of 3/4 = 42/76 = (Each son gets 6/76 share)

      5 DAUGHTERS (all from first wife) = 5/19 of 3/4 = 15/76 (Each Daughter gets 3/76 share)

      Total = 1/4 + 42/76 + 15/76 = 76/76 = 1 (whole)

      BROTHER does not inherit

      CHILDREN of Second Wife (from her first husband) do not inherit anything from him since they are not HIS children

      The inheritance of each of the persons (SECOND WIFE, 7 SONS, & 5 DAUGHTERS) is based on who was living at the time of each ones death.

      Allah Knows Best!


      5 DAUGHTERS (all from first wife) = 

      • Thanks for your reply but due to my ignorance I forgot to mention that out of 12 Sons and 5 Daughters, My grand father had 2 Sons and 3 daughters from second wife. 

        Here is a summary again based on your conclusion that his brother and children of his second wife from her first husband do not inherit anything:

        Grand Father was survived by his 
        1) Second wife
        2) 5 sons and 2 daughters from first wife.
        3) 2 sons and 3 daughters from second wife.

        Now when we are doing the distribution
        1) Second wife is also no more. Who gets her share?
        2) 1 son from his second wife is no more and was not married so no inheriters, who gets his share?
        3) 1 son and 1 daughter from first wife were given lands earlier, do we still have to include them?
        4) Shares inherited by sons and daughters who are now dead should go to their respective living inheriters?

      • SECOND WIFE = 1/8 share

        Remainder = 7/8

        7 SONS (5 from first wife and 2 from second wife) = 14/19 of 7/8 = 98/152 = (Each son gets 14/152 share)

        5 DAUGHTERS (2 from first wife and 3 from second wife) = 5/19 of 7/8 = 35/152 (Each Daughter gets 7/152 share)


        Total = 1/8 + 98/152 + 35/152 = 152/152 = 1 (whole)



        When the Second Wife passed away we have to see who was living after her in order to inherit her wealth/estate. According to your inquiry she had 1 Son & 1 daughter from her FIRST marriage and 2 Sons and 3 Daughters from her SECOND marriage thus making up 3 SONS/4 DAUGHTERS.


        So, assumimg that her Parents were not living at the time of her death all her property and wealth will be inherited by ALL her SONS/DAUGHTERS as follows:-


        3 SONS = 6/10 share (Each Son gets 2/10 or 1/5 share)

        4 DAUGHTERS = 4/10 share (Each Daughter gets 1/10 share)



        The share of the deceased son of the second wife will be inherited by his BRITHERS and SISTERS where each brother will get twice the share of the sister



        Whatever any of the Sons and Daughters were given when the parents were alive does not make any difference to the inheritance shares which are toyally based on what the deceased owned at the time of death.



        Yes, Whatever Shares that were inherited by the sons/daughters will now go to their descendants (spouses/children, if any) if they are not alive.


        Allah Knows Best!


      • Jazak Allah Khair for your reply.
        One more clarification needed for the son who died unmarried. 
        Will his share inherited by Only REAL Full Bother and Sisters From Same father and mother or will it be shared with CONSANGUINE and UTERINE borthers and sisters?

        Here is the summary, please let me know the distribution 

        He was survived by

        1) 1 Full Brother & 3 Full Sisters
        2) CONSANGUINE –  5  CONSANGUINE Borthers and 2 CONSANGUINE Sisters (Same Father and Different Mothers)
        3) UTERINE – 1 Uterine Brother & 1 Uterine Sister (Same Mother and Different Fathers)

  4. Assalam a alaikum,

    my father is died recently and my mother is alive i have 2 brothers and 2 sisters . In his life my father has give 30 lac to each sister and house at my native place. my father also has property given by my grandfather which my brother and mother sold without informing me and give all the money to my younger brother 

    now we have  20 acre land and 2 houses  at one city and 3 houses in another city.

    Please guide me the distribution of land and house.

    and tell me whether if my mother doesnot wish to give any property me is this correct?

    • Response to Qasim Ali who wrote on Jun 19 2014

      First and foremost we have to understand that whatever has already been given by your Father to any member of your family does not belong to him and hence will not fall under his inheritance distribution. Only what he owned at the time of his death will be used for distribution to his family members as ordained in the Qur'an and Authentic Sunnah.

      In this particular case, the distribution will be as follows:-

      WIFE of deceased (your MOTHER) = 1/8 share (Remainder = 7/8 share)

      3 SONS of deceased (You and your 2 Brothers) = 6/8 of 7/8 = 42/64 (Each SON will receive 14/64 = 7/32 share)

      2 DAUGHTERS = 2/8 of 7/8 = 14/64 (Each DAUGHTER will receive 7/64 share)

      Total = 1/8 + 42/64 + 14/64 = 64/64 = 1 (whole)

      No one in your Family has any right to deny the Rightful Shares of any family member as ordained by ALLAH in the Qur'an and explained by Muhammad (sal) in the Authentic Hadeeths.

      Allah Knows Best!

  5. Please guide us in the distribution of the property in following case


    A (died 1983) B (died 1980) and C (died 1987)


    Now after the death of C (1987) following was the situation. 


    A have 3 sons and 2 daughters and one wife 


    B have 3 Sons and no daughter


    C have one daughter and no son


    Please tell us regarding the distribution of "A" property after his death. 


    Please tell us particularly regarding the share of C wife..


    Thank you

    • Response to R Akbar who wrote on June 17 2014

      Lets first analyze the sequnce of the deaths of each A, B & C.

      B died in 1980
      A died in 1983
      C died in 1987

      When B died in 1980, his inheritance will be distributed as follows:-

      Wife (if living at that time) = 1/8 share

      3 SONS = 7/8 share (Each son will receive 7/24 share)

      When A died in 1983, his inheritance will be divided as follows:-

      WIFE = 1/8 share

      3 SONS and 2 DAUGHTERS will share the remainder 7/8 where each son will receive twice the share of each daughter

      When C died in 1987 he left 1 DAUGHTER and 1 SON,

      WIFE (if living) = 1/8 share

      DAUGHTER & SON = remaining 7/8 share where each SON will get twice the share of each DAUGHTER.

      You have NOT given any RELATIONSHIP between A, B & C so each has to be taken as a separate family with no connection to each other

      Allah Knows Best!

  6. Aoa. Please tell me how to distribute  among  two wives,no childern of deceasesd. No father and mother. three brother and three sisters Please tell soon..

    • Response to Rizwan who wrote on Jun 11 2014

      Wife #1 = 1/8 share

      Wife #2 = 1/8 share

      Balance = 3/4 share

      3 BROTHRS = 2/3 of 3/4 share = 1/2 share (Each Brother gets 1/6 share)

      3 SISTERS = 1/3 of 3/4 share = 1/4 share (Each Sister gets 1/12 share)

      TOTAL = 1/8 + 1/8 + 1/2 + 1/4 = 1 (whole)

      Allah Knows Best!

  7. Aoa. Please tell me how to distribute 25,00,000 among wife, 2 sons and 3 daughters of deceasesd. Please tell soon..

    • Response to Wardah who wrote on June 8 2014

      WIFE = 1/8 share = 312,500

      Remainder = 7/8 share

      2 SONS = 4/7 of 7/8 = 1/2 = 1,250,000 (Each Son will receive 625,000)

      3 DAUGHTERS = 3/7 of 7/8 = 3/8 = 937,500 (Each Daughter receives 312,500)

      TOTAL = 312,500 + 1,250,000 + 937,500 = 2,500,000

      Allah KNows Best!

  8. my father has died he has two house one he gifted to my sister in his life. Now after his death does my sister still has share in other property too.

    • Response to noor fatima who wrote on Jun 8 2014

      Yes, she has a share in whatever property your Father owned at the time of his death irrespective of what was gifted to her before by your Father.

      Allah Knows Best!

  9. Asak,

    I have a question With regards with the property, i woul like to know do predeceased relatives inherit any share according to muslim sharia or not if "Yes" Pleaase give the reference if "No" Please give the reference with example.

    Jazakallah Khair,


    • Response to Syed Burhan who wrote on Jun 5 2014

      The pre deceased DO NOT inherit from a believer since they are not present to receive their inheritance. If you review the Qurani'c Ayah's rel;ative to Islamic Inheritance you will note that it is referring to the LIVING descendants and NOT the deceased ones. Please scroll back on this page and check the three Ayah's quoted.

      Allah KNows Best!

      •  Asak Sir,

        Its so Kind to get explansion on our doubts i must tell you that you doing a fabules Job Sir. May Allah bless you and lots of Duwa.


        Family Tree(for the case)

        Syed Abdul Jaleel (Died on 10-08-1980) (Property Owner)


        Mrs.Saiydani Begum (Died on 18-07-2008) (Wife)

        Sons                                                                                      Daughters

        1) Syed Hamid Jaleel                                        1)  Mrs. Jamirunissa

        2) Syed Naimuddin                                           2)  Mrs. Arifa

        3) Syed Ajimuddin(Died on 16-05-2014)              3)  Mrs. Shama (Died on 1-3-2010)

        (He was a bachelor, Class I heirs Not applicable)        (Pre-Deceased)

        4) Shamshuddin (died on 19-10-2010)                                 I

        (Pre-Deceased)                                  a) Mrs MubeenaBegum(Daughter)         

           I                                                     b) Rizwan (Son) (Power of attorney holder)

        a) Mrs.Rukshana Shamshuddin(Wife)    c)Rafi (Son)                                               *(Widow Wife)

        b) Shahin (Daughter)                             d) Akeel (Son)                       

        c) Jasmin (Daughter)                             e) Nasiruddin (Son)                                  d)  Amjad (Son)                                           I                           

                                                              Mrs. Noor Jashmi  (Wife)

        Explanation for the case

        After the death of their parents (Syed Abdul Jaleel and his wife Mrs.Saiydani Begum) all brothers and sisters came together for inheritance, sisters where paid of their share as cash by 3 brothers and widow wife, the property was released by 3 Sisters to 3 brothers and widow wife (Release Deed Dated: 14-12-2013). After Releasing the Property Mr.Syed Ajimuddin Passed away he was a bachelor and leaving behind his propery without any will.

        Sir Now question is who is the legal heiress of Mr.Syed Ajimuddin property? Further explanation to my question:

        1. As you see the three sisters have got there share and released the property to Mr.Syed Ajimuddin in which one sister is pre deceased. Do the pre deceased sister and other two sisters get the share in Mr.Syed Ajimuddin property?

        2. Sir my second question: Now there are two brothers and Widow wife,son and Daughter (Wife,son and Daughter of Pre Deceased Brother Mr Shamshuddin) so do the Pre Deceaseds Wife or son or daughter get the share in Mr.Syed Ajimuddin Property?

        Sir i request you to explain the inheritance and give me the reference so that i could explain them better  and need an explanation to the below paragraph. I know i am asking more from you sir please kindly help me


        NEPHEWS & NIECES (Children of Brothers/Sisters)

        Nephews and Nieces are ONLY entitled in the absence of Brothers and Sisters. This means that they take the shares of the Brothers/Sisters of the deceased in their absence. Hence a Nepew/Niece will receive what his/her parent (Brother/Siuster of the deceased) would have received if he/she was alive. They will also NOT inherit if the children (or children’s children) of the deceased are living. Proportions here are also 2:1 for Male:Female


        May Allah Bless You

      • Asak Sir,

        Its so Kind to get explansion on our doubts i must tell you that you doing a fabules Job Sir. May Allah bless you and lots of Duwa.


        Family Tree(for the case)

        Syed Abdul Jaleel (Died on 10-08-1980) (Property Owner)


        Mrs.Saiydani Begum (Died on 18-07-2008) (Wife)

        (A) {Sons}                                                                                    

        1) Syed Hamid Jaleel                                       

        2) Syed Naimuddin                                           

        3) Syed Ajimuddin(Died on 16-05-2014)              

        (He was a bachelor, Class I heirs Not applicable)        

        4) Shamshuddin (died on 19-10-2010)                                 



        a) Mrs.Rukshana Shamshuddin(Wife)    

         *(Widow Wife)

        b) Shahin (Daughter)                                                  

        c) Jasmin (Daughter)                            

        d)  Amjad (Son)  


        (B) {Daughters) 

        1)  Mrs. Jamirunissa

        2)  Mrs. Arifa

        3)  Mrs. Shama (Died on 1-3-2010)



        a) Mrs Mubeena Begum(Daughter)                       

        b) Rizwan (Son) (Power of attorney holder)

        c)Rafi (Son)

        d) Akeel (Son)

        e) Nasiruddin (Son) (Died on 5-2-2012)


        Mrs. Noor Jashmi  (Wife)                                             


        Explanation for the case

        After the death of their parents (Syed Abdul Jaleel and his wife Mrs.Saiydani Begum) all brothers and sisters came together for inheritance, sisters where paid of their share as cash by 3 brothers and widow wife, the property was released by 3 Sisters to 3 brothers and widow wife (Release Deed Dated: 14-12-2013). After Releasing the Property Mr.Syed Ajimuddin Passed away he was a bachelor and leaving behind his propery without any will.

        Sir Now question is who is the legal heiress of Mr.Syed Ajimuddin property? Further explanation to my question:

        1. As you see the three sisters have got there share and released the property to Mr.Syed Ajimuddin in which one sister is pre deceased. Do the pre deceased sister and other two sisters get the share in Mr.Syed Ajimuddin property?

        2. Sir my second question: Now there are two brothers and Widow wife,son and Daughter (Wife,son and Daughter of Pre Deceased Brother Mr Shamshuddin) so do the Pre Deceaseds Wife or son or daughter get the share in Mr.Syed Ajimuddin Property?

        Sir i request you to explain the inheritance and give me the reference so that i could explain them better  and need an explanation to the below paragraph. I know i am asking more from you sir please kindly help me


        NEPHEWS & NIECES (Children of Brothers/Sisters)

        Nephews and Nieces are ONLY entitled in the absence of Brothers and Sisters. This means that they take the shares of the Brothers/Sisters of the deceased in their absence. Hence a Nepew/Niece will receive what his/her parent (Brother/Siuster of the deceased) would have received if he/she was alive. They will also NOT inherit if the children (or children’s children) of the deceased are living. Proportions here are also 2:1 for Male:Female


        May Allah Bless You

      • Asak Sir,

        Its so Kind to get explansion on our doubts i must tell you that you doing a fabules Job Sir. May Allah bless you and lots of Duwa.


        Family Tree(for the case)

        Syed Abdul Jaleel (Died on 10-08-1980) (Property Owner)


        Mrs.Saiydani Begum (Died on 18-07-2008) (Wife)

        (A) {Sons}                                                                                    

        1) Syed Hamid Jaleel                                       

        2) Syed Naimuddin                                           

        3) Syed Ajimuddin(Died on 16-05-2014)              

        (He was a bachelor, Class I heirs Not applicable)        

        4) Shamshuddin (died on 19-10-2010)                                 



        a) Mrs.Rukshana Shamshuddin(Wife)    

         *(Widow Wife)

        b) Shahin (Daughter)                                                  

        c) Jasmin (Daughter)                            

        d)  Amjad (Son)  


        (B) {Daughters) 

        1)  Mrs. Jamirunissa

        2)  Mrs. Arifa

        3)  Mrs. Shama (Died on 1-3-2010)



        a) Mrs Mubeena Begum(Daughter)                       

        b) Rizwan (Son) (Power of attorney holder)

        c)Rafi (Son)

        d) Akeel (Son)

        e) Nasiruddin (Son) (Died on 5-2-2012)


        Mrs. Noor Jashmi  (Wife)                                             


        Explanation for the case

        After the death of their parents (Syed Abdul Jaleel and his wife Mrs.Saiydani Begum) all brothers and sisters came together for inheritance, sisters where paid of their share as cash by 3 brothers and widow wife, the property was released by 3 Sisters to 3 brothers and widow wife (Release Deed Dated: 14-12-2013). After Releasing the Property Mr.Syed Ajimuddin Passed away he was a bachelor and leaving behind his propery without any will.

        Sir Now question is who is the legal heiress of Mr.Syed Ajimuddin property? Further explanation to my question:

        1. As you see the three sisters have got there share and released the property to Mr.Syed Ajimuddin in which one sister is pre deceased. Do the pre deceased sister and other two sisters get the share in Mr.Syed Ajimuddin property?

        2. Sir my second question: Now there are two brothers and Widow wife,son and Daughter (Wife,son and Daughter of Pre Deceased Brother Mr Shamshuddin) so do the Pre Deceaseds Wife or son or daughter get the share in Mr.Syed Ajimuddin Property?

        Sir i request you to explain the inheritance and give me the reference so that i could explain them better  and need an explanation to the below paragraph. I know i am asking more from you sir please kindly help me


        NEPHEWS & NIECES (Children of Brothers/Sisters)

        Nephews and Nieces are ONLY entitled in the absence of Brothers and Sisters. This means that they take the shares of the Brothers/Sisters of the deceased in their absence. Hence a Nepew/Niece will receive what his/her parent (Brother/Siuster of the deceased) would have received if he/she was alive. They will also NOT inherit if the children (or children’s children) of the deceased are living. Proportions here are also 2:1 for Male:Female


        May Allah Bless You

  10.  Dear Sir,


    Husband died,detail of inheritants as under:-

    1- first wife alive (disable) having two daughter, school going. %age Amount

      1st daughter age- 13 year..%age Amount

      2nd daughter age- 9- year. 5age Amount

    2- 2nd wife alive having three(3) daughters & one (1) son school going. %age Amount

      1st daughter age- 9 year %age Amount

      2nd daughter age- 6 year %age Amount

     3rd daughter age-  1.5 year %age Amount

     son age- 8 year. %age Amount

    3- Deceased Father. alive.

    4- Mother was alive at the time of Deceased son, now died.%age Amount

    5- Three (3) brothers of deceased alive %age Amount

    6- Two(2) sisters of deceased alive.%age Amount

    Note.Total jawelary ( zaver & jahaiz) of 1st disable wife is with decesed father.not yet retern.(wapis karnay say inkaree hay).

    7.Total Amount of Welth. Total proprity value- 3000000.00 ( 30 lac )

    Eagerly awaiting for your guidence.

    Muhammad Aslam Mughal, Langriali Sialkot.

    Cell- 03227392950

    • Response to Muhammad Aslam Mughal who wrote on June 5 2014

      FIRST WIFE = 1/16 share

      SECOND WIFE = 1/16 share

      FATHER = 1/6 share

      MOTHER (if she was alive at the time the person died) = 1/6 share

      Total = 1/16 + 1/16 + 1/6 + 1/6 = 11/24 share, Remainder = 13/24 share

      1 SON (from second wife) = 2/7 of 13/24 = 26/168 share (13/84 share)

      5 DAUGHTERS 2 from First Wife and 3 from Second Wife) = 5/7 of 13/24 = 65/168 (Each Daughter gets 13/168 share)

      TOTAL = 1/16 + 1/16 + 1/6  1/6 + 26/168 + 65/168 = 168/168 = 1 (whole)

      All Jewelry and other PERSONALLY owned things by any of the living family members belong to them and are NOT entitled to be distribuited to them since they are OT owned by the deceased. Only what is owned by the deceased is liable for inheritance. The rest belong to each who owns it, whether it is the wifives, Children or Parents.

      The BROTHERS amd SISTERS of the deceased DO NOT inherit anything from him since the deceased leaves behind a FATHER and a SON. Any MALE ascendant or descendant of a deceased will eliminate all Brothers and Sisters from the inheritance.

      Allah Knows Best! 


      • Thank's for reply,you are doing great job for the Muslim families.

        According to above share,our requirment is to distribution of Rs,3000000,00(30 Lac ) to each share houlder.Please confirm the calculated Amout for each share houlder.Regards. Muhammad Aslam Mughal.

      • Respnse to Muhammad Aslam Mughal who replied on June 9 2014

        Total Amount of deceased estate = Rs 3,000,000 (30 Lacs)

        FIRST WIFE = 1/16 share = Rs 187,500.00

        SECOND WIFE = 1/16 share = Rs 187,500.00

        FATHER = 1/6 share = Rs 500,000.00

        MOTHER = 1/6 share = Rs 500,000.00


        1 SON (from second wife) = 13/84 share = Rs 464,285.17

        5 DAUGHTERS (Each Daughter gets 13/168 share) = Rs 232,142.85 each (1,160,175)


        TOTAL 187,500+187,500+500,000+500,000+464,285+1,160,715 = 3,000,000


        Allah Knows Best!

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