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Nine Sadakha Wells – Under Aegis of Sailan Muslim Foundation

Assalamu Alaikum All. On a program begun by brother AGA Barrie, Sailan Muslim entered the sphere of helping very deserving depressed Muslim Communities with the provision of water. To this end he requested me to see if we could help the Terrorist affected Eastern Province Muslims. We decided to take on Kinniya, which was one of the most affected by LTTE atrocities. On my visit in July 2009 to Kinniya, in the Trincomalee District, I learnt more about the location where we had to construct wells for our Muslim brothers and sisters and decided to let you folks know how helpful the wells will be for the upliftment of this Muslim community. From the reports that we got from time to time about the atrocities of the LTTE, we know for a fact that they were systematically ethnically cleansing Muslims from the North and East. Kinniya was one village, especially Kakamunai where the LTTE drove all the Muslims and even cut up its residents and dumped them in their wells. Subsequently the Tigers ruled with an iron fist and had their own police and government here. The suffering of the Muslims here was traumatic, with many family members being killed. Kinniya was targeted by the terrorists since it had the largest concentration of Muslims anywhere in Sri Lanka -. with approx 70 Jumma Mosques in this small area where 99.9% are Muslims. With the defeat of the LTTE, people have begun to return and pick up their lives once again. Water availability was a priority necessity to begin their lives anew. Masha Allah our Muslims brothers and sisters have come forward to build wells. What good timing as the cultivation season will commence immediately and already eight wells have been completed as the pictures will reveal. However over hundred wells are still required as requests were made to me on my visit. I sent some   pictures during Ramdhan to brother Abdul Barrie, indicating the completion of seven wells. MahsaAllah  all eight wells in Kinniya have  now been completed. The ninth well is in the Puttalam district and this too has been completed. Before a well is sunk, a tube is sent down to the location and a water sample is taken. After obtaining a laboratory report; it is sent to the Divisional Secretariat for approval. We have selected these sites since they are dual purpose wells both providing water for domestic and cultivation purposes. We will send you pictures of the cultivation done after the wells were constructed. We are looking into the possibility of providing them with wind/solar powered water pumps, which need no fuel or electricity, since there is wind for almost eleven months of the year. We are thinking of building a large Agro Well and installing a Solar or Wind powered Water Pump to serve at least ten farmers and their families. The cost in rupees is estimated as follows: a. Large Agro Well      Rs. 300.000 b. Solar or Wind pump Rs. 350,000 For the moment however we shall concentrate on constructing the dual purpose wells, nine of which we have so far completed with Allah Subhanhuwwa Tha a’la’s  Grace and Mercy. Alhamdulillah. Kindly pass this information to as many of our brothers and sisters of our community. They are to first contact Brother AGA Barrie at and make known their intention to contribute the minimum sum of Rs. 50,000/- per well. Here is a summary of wells completed so far. tab1wel101 wel102well103wel104well105well106well107well108Mulaffer Khalid –   Project Manager

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