Universal Islamic Declaration of Human Rights, Page 8


            XIX Right to Found a Family and Related Matters.
a.       Every person is entitled to marry, to found a family and to bring up children in conformity with his religion, tradition and culture. Every spouse it entitled to such rights and privileges and carries such obligation as are stipulated by the law.
b.      Each of the partners in a marriage is entitled to respect and consideration from the other.
c.       Every husband is obligated to maintain his wife and children according to his means.
d.      Every child has a right to be maintained and properly brought up by his parents, it being forbidden that children are made to work at an early age or that any burden is put on them, which would arrest or harm their natural development. 
e.       If parents are, for some reason unable to discharge their obligations towards a child, it becomes the responsibility of the community to fulfill these obligations at public expense.
f.       Every person is entitled to material support, as well as care and protection, from the family during his or her childhood, old age or incapacity. Parents are entitled to material support as well as care and protection from their children.
g.      Motherhood is entitled to special respect, care and assistance on the part of the family and the public organs of the community (Ummah).
h.      Within the family men and women are to share their obligations and responsibilities according to their sex, their natural endowments, talents and inclinations, bearing in mind their common responsibilities towards their progeny and their relatives.
i.        .No person may be married against his or her will, or loose or suffer diminution of legal personality on account of marriage.
XX Rights of Married Women
Every married woman is entitled to:-
a.       live in the house in which her husband lives.
b.      receive the means necessary for maintaining the standard of living which is not inferior to that of her spouse, and in the event of divorce during the statutory period of waiting (iddah) means of maintenance commensurate with her husbands resource, for herself as well as for her children she nurses or keeps, irrespective of her own financial status, earnings, or property she may hold in her own right;
c.       Seek and obtain dissolution of marriage (Khul’a) in accordance with the terms of the Law. This right is in addition to her right to seek divorce through the courts.
d.      Inherit from her husband, her parents and her children and other relatives according to the law.
e.       Strict confidentiality from her spouse, or ex-spouse if divorced, with regard to any information that he may have obtained about her, the disclosure of which could prove detrimental to her interests. A similar responsibility rests upon her in respect of her spouse or ex-spouse.                                        

                                                                                   To be continued

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