Racism And Corruption In Pro-Coal, Pro-War, Pro-Zionist, Climate Criminal Apartheid Australia By Dr Gideon Polya

Racism and corruption are entrenched in politically correct racist (PC racist) White Australia, a deeply racist country that is committed to war, occupation, mass murder and race-based discrimination but ignores the consequences of its actions and vehemently protests that it is not racist.

Of course most ordinary Australians are indeed not racists but the major Parties – the Liberal Party-National Party Coalition Opposition and the federally governing  Australian Labor Party, collectively known as the Lib-Labs –  are profoundly racist, violent and discriminatory.

Unlike the racist, pro-war, pro-coal, pro-Zionist, PC racist Lib-Labs, the pro-environment, pro-peace, pro-human rights Australian Greens (a minor party with about 10% electoral support), are of course anti-racist in word and deed.

This situation is a profound disappointment to decent, anti-racist Australians, especially those who voted Labor virtually all their adult lives because they perceived Labor from the 1960s onwards to be egalitarian, anti-war and anti-racist.

Thus Labor was opposed to Australian participation in the US-prosecuted  Vietnam War and after its election in 1972 (after 2 decades in Opposition) quickly moved to stop Australian participation in that genocidal perversion (total Indochinese violent and non-violent excess deaths associated with the Indochina war totalled about 13 million; see “Body Count. Global avoidable mortality since 1950” (G.M. Polya, Melbourne, 2007: http://mwcnews.net/Gideon-Polya  and http://globalbodycount.blogspot.com/ ). 

The Whitlam Labor Government (1972-1975) also managed to abolish the notorious, anti-Asian White Australia Policy (1901-1974) by abolishing racism at the Federal level in Australian governance. This anti-racist position was enshrined in the Racial Discrimination Act 1975 (see: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Racial_Discrimination_Act_1975 ) which makes racial discrimination  unlawful in Australia and overrides inconsistent States and Territory legislation, making the State or Territory law ineffective to the extent of the inconsistency. The power of the national Parliament to pass this over-riding law arose under the “external affairs” power contained in the Australian Constitution and from the International Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Racial Discrimination (see: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_Convention
_on_the_Elimination_of_all_Forms_of_Racial_Discrimination  ) to which Australia is a signatory.

Unfortunately that all changed on Remembrance Day, 11 November 1975 when the United States –  having already succeeded in replacing the Indonesian Government with a genocidal military dictatorship in1965 (with the attendant mass murder of up to 1 million Chinese Indonesians and “leftist” Indonesians) and in the Indonesian military invasion of East Timor in 1975 (with the subsequent  mass murder of  0.2 million East Timorese out of  a population of 0.6 million) –  was successful  in having the Whitlam Labor Government thrown out by a CIA-linked Governor General John Kerr (for a detailed summary of these and other US crimes see William Blum’s best-selling book “Rogue State”).

Since Remembrance Day 1975,  the sine qua non of Australian Lib-Lab-dominated politics (except for the anti-racist and anti-war Australian Greens) has been blind support for the climate criminal, war criminal United States of America and its racist surrogate, war criminal, genocidal  Apartheid Israel. The post-coup 1975 election was won by the Coalition under Malcolm Fraser but Labor returned to power in the period 1983-1996 under right wing, pro-US leaders Bob Hawke and Paul Keating. In 1996 the Conservative Coalition under John Howard returned  to power for a dozen years (1996-2007),  with the only threat coming  from Labor under right wing  Mark Latham who was successfully ”vetoed” by the US Ambassador in the 2004 elections for  daring to say that he would bring Australian troops back from Iraq “by Christmas” (see Mark Latham’s book “The Latham Diaries”, Melbourne University Press, 2005).

In 2007 an extreme right wing, pro-US, pro-war, pro-coal, pro-Zionist Labor Party was elected to government under Kevin Rudd with the promise to stop involvement in Occupied Iraq (Australia still has troops there), to remove draconian workplace legislation (key draconian provisions remain) and to act on climate change (Australia’s world leading per capita greenhouse gas pollution continues unabated and Labor is now on the verge of  destroying the renewable energy industry).

Further, Rudd Labor continues to support US Asian wars (expanding Australian troop numbers in Occupied Afghanistan and giving full support to war criminal, racist Zionist-run Apartheid Israel); continues to support expanded, world-leading uranium supply to nuclear terrorist states (the US, UK, France and thence to nuclear terrorist Apartheid Israel); and continues to rob Indigenous Australians of their human rights and Land (race-based legislation has removed Indigenous Australians in the Northern Territory from the protection of the  1975 Racial Discrimination Act and are NT Aborigines are being given minimal housing in exchange for surrendering title to their precious, residual Land for 40 years) (see “Macklin’s Aboriginal housing blackmail: land rights need, not takeover”: http://www.greenleft.org.au/2009/805/41407 ) .

How has the once-proud anti-war, anti-nuclear, anti-racism, pro-environment Labor Party  sunk to this pro-war, pro-nuclear, pro-coal, pro-Zionist, pro-racism low? In short, through what is described as “treason” or “corruption” in other countries. Some key explanations  are outlined below.

1. Extreme right wing, pragmatic, neocon Labor has become a protection racket for those willing and able to pay. Thus access to Ministers is “bought” by dining sessions costing thousands of dollars per head (see “Brumby defiant on ALP fund-raiser”: http://www.theage.com.au/national/brumby-defiant-on-alp-fundraiser-20090806-ebi0.html ).

2. There is massive corporate funding of the Labor Party (noting that expenditure of corporate monies must always be in the financial interests of the shareholders i.e. “benefit” must be expected).

3. There is massive funding of Labor by actual or potential dual citizen Zionist supporters of the war criminal, racist Zionist-run, nuclear terrorist rogue state of Apartheid Israel – including massive funding coming from Australia’s top corporate  criminal and racist Zionist i.e. Labor has been massively funded by proceeds from the biggest white-collar corporate crime in Australian history.

4. Mainstream media are controlled by a major oligopoly system, including the right-wing, cowardly and unethical, taxpayer-funded Australian Broadcasting Corporation (the ABC) whose policy of ”balance” (like that of the BBC) is to adopt a truth-ignoring reporting position between the spin of the extreme right wing and that of the merely right wing.

5. The public service is heavily politicized and intimidated (thus pro-coal public service position papers were, and for all I know still are, written by fossil fuel industry lobbyists – see “The Greenhouse Mafia”, ABC Four Corners: http://www.abc.net.au/4corners/content/2006/s1566257.htm  ; the security services ignore actual US-Israeli state terrorism and US and Israeli state terrorists in Australia that represent a major threat to Australia’s security).

6. Australia has certainly become Apartheid Australia,  effectively becoming UStralia, OZrael, or Ozraelia (just as the once-proud United States of America has become the United States of Israel,  ignoring the Israeli mass murder of 34 USS Liberty  sailors in 1967;  ignoring the increasingly obvious US-Israeli state terrorist involvement in the demolition of the 3 World Trade Center buildings in the 9-11 atrocity; and ignoring the horrendous 9-11 million post-invasion excess deaths associated with the racist Zionist-, racist Bush-ite- and racist neo-Bush-ite- promoted Palestinian Genocide, Iraqi Genocide and Afghan Genocide – see “9-11 excuse for US global genocide. The real 9-11 atrocity: millions dead (9-11 million) in Bush wars (1990-2009)”: http://mwcnews.net/content/view/25184/42/ ).

Apartheid Australia – aka UStralia, OZrael, or Ozraelia – is a lost cause. Decent anti-racist Australians and decent anti-racist Australians Jews can only voice their anger at the prostitution of their country and the evident commitment of a pro-coal, pro-war, pro-US, pro-Zionist Apartheid Australia  to war, genocide and climate catastrophe.

The Australian political voting system is preferential which means that you must give second preferences in voting – so that decent, anti-racist, pro-human rights, pro-planet Green voters must ultimately list Lib-Labs in their list of preferences. Thus if the minority Green candidate doesn’t get a majority the preferences are then exhaustively distributed  until an anti-environment, pro-war, pro-racism Lab or Lib typically gets the full value vote and is ultimately elected to Parliament. This is quite a fair system but at the present time means that pro-peace anti-racists are legally required in effect to vote for racist warmongers.

Ultimately all decent folk around the World can do is (a) inform everyone they can about gross human rights abuse by Apartheid Australia and the Australian Labor Party (aka the Apartheid Labor Party or the Apartheid Israel-supporting Labor Party)  and (b) apply Sanctions and Boycotts against those responsible for such crimes and their criminal supporters.

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