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ACJU commends President for crushing terrorism

The All Ceylon Jamiyyathul Ulama rejoice that the scourge of terrorism has been eradicated from our motherland and praise Almighty Allah for this blessing. We extend our congratulations to President Mahinda Rajapaksa, for his visionary and resolute leadership and to Lt. Col. Gotabhaya Rajapaksa, the Secretary/Defence, the Service Commanders and the IGP for their dedicated services in liberating the country from the clutches of the LTTE which perhaps was the most ruthless and powerful terrorist organisation in the world.

We salute the members of the armed forces for their heroism, for their enormous sacrifices of life and limb and we call upon our fellow citizens to show our gratitude to them in meaningful ways.

The terrorist activities of the LTTE affected all communities, the Muslim community is no exception. We have lost several leaders, administrators, intellectuals and service personnel who were felled by the LTTE. Our places of worship have been attacked and we have been victims of ethnic cleansing.

Muslims have always protected the integrity of our motherland. We served in the armies of our ancient kings in resisting foreign invaders. In comparatively more recent times, we firmly refused to be associated with the 50-50 demand and unconditionally supported the call for independence. We recollect that the late Dr. T. B. Jayah articulated our support for independence in the legislature and that the late S. W. R. D. Bandaranaike in reply, thanked the Muslims for their support.

His Excellency the President, in his address emphasised the need for national integration. We pray that Almighty Allah will bless the President and the Government in their efforts to rebuild our nation.

May Almighty Allah shower his choicest blessing on Sri Lanka.

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Our purpose is to secure and promote the legitimate interests of the Sri Lankan Muslims, considering as legitimate only those Muslim interests that are consistent with the national interest. It is apolitical and non profit making effort. The other reason is that Muslim politicians have been marginalized to a serious extent over many decades, and cannot therefore fully represent Muslim interests. An effective Muslim website can be useful in bringing about this change. Our aim is to unite our community to speak with one voice and to promote an understanding and interactive dialogue with other communities. We are dedicated to make this website a success with the objective of promoting truth, justice and harmony among all citizens of Sri Lanka with unbiased, accurate, truthful and balanced information. More @ About Us Disclaimer The entire content of this website (sailanmuslim.com) is for information purposes only. Individual comments, news, Articles and stories are based upon the opinions of the respective authors, who retain copyright as marked. The information on this website is intended as a sharing of knowledge and Information only. Sailan Muslim Foundation.

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